Preparation and electrochemical lithium storage performance of porous silicon microsphere composite with metal modification and carbon coating
徐泽宇 浙江大学化学系, 杭州 310027  
陆同周 浙江大学化学系, 杭州 310027  
邵海波 浙江大学化学系, 杭州 310027  
王建明 浙江大学化学系, 杭州 310027 wjm@zju.edu.cn 
摘要: 以工业级SiAl合金微球为前驱物,采用多步刻蚀-热处理策略,制备了金属(Sb-Sn)改性与碳包覆的多孔硅微球复合材料(pSi/Sb-Sn@C)。pSi/Sb-Sn@C具有以 Sb-Sn改性的多孔硅微球(pSi/Sb-Sn)为核、碳包覆层为壳的三维结构。碳外壳可以提高多孔硅微球的电子导电性和机械稳定性,有利于获得稳定的固体电解质界面(SEI)膜;而三维多孔核可以促进锂离子的扩散,增加嵌/脱锂活性位,缓冲嵌锂过程中的体积膨胀。此外,活性金属(Sb-Sn)的引入能够提高复合材料的导电性,并可以贡献一定的储锂容量。由于其特殊的组成和独特的微观结构,pSi/Sb-Sn@C复合材料在1.0 A·g-1电流密度下充放电300次后的可逆容量为1 247.4 mAh·g-1,显示了良好的高速率储锂性能和优异的电化学嵌/脱锂循环稳定性。
关键词: 硅基阳极  多孔结构  金属沉积  碳包覆  电化学储锂
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.22372147)资助。
Abstract: This work adopts a multi-step etching-heat treatment strategy to prepare porous silicon microsphere composite with Sb-Sn surface modification and carbon coating (pSi/Sb-Sn@C), using industrial grade SiAl alloy micro-spheres as a precursor. pSi/Sb-Sn@C had a 3D structure with bimetallic (Sb-Sn) modified porous silicon micro-spheres (pSi/Sb-Sn) as the core and carbon coating as the shell. Carbon shells can improve the electronic conductivity and mechanical stability of porous silicon microspheres, which is beneficial for obtaining a stable solid electrolyte interface (SEI) film. The 3D porous core promotes the diffusion of lithium ions, increases the intercalation/delithiation active sites, and buffers the volume expansion during the intercalation process. The introduction of active metals (Sb-Sn) can improve the conductivity of the composite and contribute to a certain amount of lithium storage capacity. Due to its unique composition and microstructure, pSi/Sb-Sn@C showed a reversible capacity of 1 247.4 mAh·g-1 after 300 charge/discharge cycles at a current density of 1.0 A·g-1, demonstrating excellent rate lithium storage performance and enhanced electrochemical cycling stability.
Keywords: silicon-based anode  porous structure  metallic deposition  carbon coating  electrochemical lithium storage
投稿时间:2024-06-04 修订日期:2024-07-22
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