Preparation and electrochemical properties of hollow dodecahedral CoNi2S4 supported by MnO2 nanowires
郑佳红 长安大学材料科学与工程学院, 西安 710061 
杨敬云 长安大学材料科学与工程学院, 西安 710061  
摘要: 采用简单的室温搅拌法和一步硫化法制备了 MnO2纳米线支撑中空十二面体 CoNi2S4 (MnO2/CoNi2S4)电极材料。超长MnO2纳米线为电子转移提供了直接路径,而且其较大的长径比有利于形成自支撑的三维导电网络结构;中空多孔的CoNi2S4提供了更丰富的活性位点,同时缓解了充放电过程中的体积变化。得益于以上优势,MnO2/CoNi2S4在1 A·g-1时具有1 531.1 F·g-1的比电容,在 10 A·g-1时具有 86.9% 的电容保持率。利用 MnO2/CoNi2S4作为正极、活性炭(AC)为负极组装的 MnO2/CoNi2S4||AC器件实现了高能量密度(800 W·kg-1时40 Wh·kg-1)和优异的循环稳定性(5 000次循环后保持64.8%)。
关键词: 金属有机骨架  二氧化锰纳米线  过渡金属硫化物  超级电容器
基金项目: 陕西省重点研发项目(No.S2024-YF-YBGY-0137)资助。
Abstract: Using ultra-long MnO2 nanowires as templates and ZIF-67 as precursors, hollow bead string structured MnO2/CoNi2S4 was prepared via a simple room temperature stirring method and one-step vulcanization. In the unique structure, the ultra-long MnO2 nanowires provide a direct pathway for electron transfer, and their large aspect ratio is conducive to the formation of self-supporting three-dimensional conductive network structure; the hollow and porous CoNi2S4 provides richer active sites and mitigates the charging and discharging process of the vol- ume change during charging and discharging. Thanks to the above advantages, MnO2/CoNi2S4 had a specific capacitance value of 1 531.1 F·g-1 at 1 A·g-1 and a capacitance retention rate of 86.9% at 10 A·g-1. Using MnO2/CoNi2S4 as the positive electrode and activated carbon (AC) as the negative electrode, the assembled MnO2/CoNi2S4||AC devices achieved high energy density (40 Wh·kg-1 at 800 W·kg-1) and excellent cycling stability (64.8% retention after 5 000 cycles).
Keywords: metal-organic framework  manganese dioxide nanowire  transition metal sulfide  supercapacitor
投稿时间:2024-05-14 修订日期:2024-07-17
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