Detection of iron and copper ions based on gold nanorod etching colorimetry
李红 福州大学环境与安全工程学院, 福州 350000
莆田学院环境与生物工程学院, 福建省新型污染物生态毒理效应与控制重点实验室, 生态环境及其信息图谱福建省高等学校重点实验室, 莆田 351100 
丁晓莹 莆田学院环境与生物工程学院, 福建省新型污染物生态毒理效应与控制重点实验室, 生态环境及其信息图谱福建省高等学校重点实验室, 莆田 351100  
刘慈航 莆田学院环境与生物工程学院, 福建省新型污染物生态毒理效应与控制重点实验室, 生态环境及其信息图谱福建省高等学校重点实验室, 莆田 351100  
张靖涵 莆田学院环境与生物工程学院, 福建省新型污染物生态毒理效应与控制重点实验室, 生态环境及其信息图谱福建省高等学校重点实验室, 莆田 351100  
饶艳英 莆田学院环境与生物工程学院, 福建省新型污染物生态毒理效应与控制重点实验室, 生态环境及其信息图谱福建省高等学校重点实验室, 莆田 351100 yanyingrao@ptu.edu.cn 
摘要: 采用种子生长法制备金纳米棒(AuNRs)以构建光学传感器,用于Fe3+和Cu2+的高选择性快速可视化检测。在酸性环境中,Fe3+和Cu2+通过与KI溶液反应,将I-氧化成I2。I2刻蚀AuNRs,导致其纵向表面等离子体共振(LSPR)吸收峰蓝移,从而实现对Fe3+和Cu2+的检测。结果表明,反应温度为50℃时,添加0.8 mL 0.1 mol·L-1 HCl、2 mL AuNRs生长液和20 mmol·L-1 KI溶液,与2 mL 500 μmol·L-1 Fe3+或30 μmol·L-1 Cu2+反应25或90 min,可将AuNRs刻蚀至LSPR吸收峰消失。该方法对Fe3+和Cu2+检测具有高选择性和准确性,对于Fe3+、Cu2+共存体系的检测,可通过加入适量F-与Fe3+生成配合物[FeF6]3-完成对Fe3+的化学掩蔽,消除Fe3+的干扰,实现共存体系中Cu2+的准确检测。
关键词: 金纳米棒  铁离子  铜离子  比色法检测
基金项目: 福建省自然科学基金(No.2020J01914)和福建省大学生创新创业项目(No.S202211498009)资助。
Abstract: In an acidic environment, Fe3+ and Cu2+ reacted with KI solution to oxidize I- to I2, and I2 was used to etch Au nanorods (AuNRs) to produce a blue shift of the longitudinal surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) absorption peak of AuNRs to achieve the detection of Fe3+ and Cu2+. At a reaction temperature of 50℃, 0.8 mL HCl (0.1 mol· L-1), 2 mL KI (20 mmol· L-1), and 2 mL AuNRs solution were added in 2 mL 500 μmol·L-1 of Fe3+ or 30 μmol·L-1 of Cu2+ solution, and the Fe3+ or Cu2+ solution could etch AuNRs until the LSPR absorption peak of AuNRs disappeared after 25 or 90 min. The concentrations of Fe3+ and Cu2+ had a good linear relationship with the LSPR absorption peak shift of AuNRs, and the R2 was above 0.99. This method has excellent selectivity and accuracy for the detection of Fe3+ and Cu2+, with a maximum error of only 0.69% and 2.6%, respectively. For the detection of Fe3+ and Cu2+ coexistent system, the addition of an appropriate amount of F- in Fe3+ solution to form a complex[FeF6]3- can chemically mask Fe3+, which can eliminate the interference of Fe3+ in the coexistence system. The results showed that in a Cu2+ concentration range of 0-20 μmol·L-1, the LSPR absorption peaks of AuNRs before and after the addition of Fe3+-F- masking system were blue-shifted 217 and 210 nm, respectively. There was a good linear relationship between the Cu2+ concentration and the LSPR absorption peak shift of AuNRs, and the R2 was above 0.99. It can be concluded that the accurate detection of Cu2+ in the mixed system can be achieved by chemically masking the Fe3+ in the coexisting ions.
Keywords: gold nanorod  iron ion  copper ion  colorimetric detection
投稿时间:2023-10-08 修订日期:2024-01-13
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