Preparation of low-cost S-doped porous carbons for high-performance supercapacitors
李嘉欣 先进催化剂材料教育部重点实验室, 浙江省固体表面反应化学重点实验室, 浙江师范大学, 金华 321004  
钟雯诗 先进催化剂材料教育部重点实验室, 浙江省固体表面反应化学重点实验室, 浙江师范大学, 金华 321004  
刘召妹 先进催化剂材料教育部重点实验室, 浙江省固体表面反应化学重点实验室, 浙江师范大学, 金华 321004  
胡庚申 先进催化剂材料教育部重点实验室, 浙江省固体表面反应化学重点实验室, 浙江师范大学, 金华 321004 gshu@zjnu.edu.cn 
摘要: 以廉价的胶态二氧化硅为模板,蔗糖为碳源,硫酸为预碳化试剂和硫源,通过硬模板法制备了相对廉价的硫掺杂多孔碳(SSC-TT℃代表碳化温度)材料。采用多种表征方法对多孔碳材料的微观形貌、孔道结构、比表面积和表面硫物种进行了表征,探究了硫酸和碳化温度对多孔碳材料的微观形貌、孔道结构和比表面积的影响。结果表明,碳化温度对碳的孔结构、比表面积和硫元素的含量有显著的影响,其中900℃碳化得到的样品SSC-900具有最大的比表面积、孔体积和比电容,远高于未加入硫酸制备的碳材料SC-900,表明硫酸的加入可以提高碳材料的比表面积、孔体积,进而提高碳材料的比电容。与昂贵的有序介孔碳CMK-3相比,SSC-900具有成本更低、孔径更大和电容性能更好的优点。在以6.0 mol·L-1 KOH为电解质的三电极体系中,在0.5 A·g-1的电流密度下,SSC-900的比电容可以达到357 F·g-1,而SC-900和CMK-3的比电容分别仅为152和266 F·g-1。电容贡献分析表明,SSC-900的双层电容值和赝电容值均高于SC-900。此外,SSC-900在0.5 A·g-1的电流密度下循环10 000次后仍能保持98.4%的初始比电容。
关键词: 超级电容器  多孔碳  硫掺杂
基金项目: 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划(No.202110345018)资助。
Abstract: Inexpensive sulfur-doped porous carbons (SSC-T, T ℃ represented carbonization temperature) were prepared through the hard template method by using inexpensive colloidal silica as a template, sucrose as a carbon source, and sulfuric acid as a precarbonization reagent and sulfur source. The effects of sulfuric acid and carbonization temperature on the microstructure, pore structure, and specific surface area of porous carbons were investigated. It was found that the carbonization temperature had a significant impact on the pore structure, surface area, and sulfur content of carbons. The sample SSC - 900 obtained by carbonization at 900 ℃ has the largest surface area, pore volume, and specific capacitance, which was much higher than the SC-900 prepared without the addition of sulfuric acid, indicating that the addition of sulfuric acid can increase the surface area, pore volume, and the specific capacitance. SSC-900 had the advantages of lower cost, larger pore size, and better capacitive performance than the expensive mesoporous carbon CMK-3. In the three-electrode system with 6.0 mol·L-1 KOH as electrolyte, the specific capacitance of SSC-900 can reach 357 F·g-1 at a current density of 0.5 A·g-1, while the specific capacitance of SC-900 and CMK-3 was only 152 and 266 F·g-1, respectively. The capacitance contribution analysis showed that the doublelayer capacitance (EDLC) and pseudocapacitance of SSC - 900 were higher than those of SC - 900. In addition, SSC-900 can maintain an initial specific capacitance of 98.4% after 10 000 cycles at a current density of 0.5 A·g-1.
Keywords: supercapacitor  porous carbon  sulfur-doped
投稿时间:2023-08-02 修订日期:2023-11-23
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