Self-assembly of zero-dimensional cluster {[Cu6(H2tba)6]·2DMF·xSolvent}, 2D sheet {[Sc(H2tba)3(DMF)]·2DMF}n and 3D network {[Fe(H2tba)2(H2O)2]·2DMF}n based on 2-thiobarbituric acid
王超 东华大学化学与化工学院, 上海 201620  
何东美 东华大学化学与化工学院, 上海 201620  
管裕 东华大学化学与化工学院, 上海 201620  
许嘉怡 东华大学化学与化工学院, 上海 201620  
郑利民 东华大学化学与化工学院, 上海 201620  
林悦健 复旦大学化学系, 上海 200433  
陈珍霞 复旦大学化学系, 上海 200433  
梁凯 东华大学化学与化工学院, 上海 201620 kliang@dhu.edu.cn 
摘要: 分别以Cu (ClO4)2·6H2O、Sc (ClO4)3·6H2O和Fe (ClO4)3·9H2O为金属盐,2-硫代巴比妥酸(H3tba)为配体,通过扩散反应得到了3种不同结构的配合物{[Cu6(H2tba)6]·2DMF·xSolvent}(1)、{[Sc (H2tba)3(DMF)]·2DMF}n(2)和[Fe (H2tba)2(H2O)2]n(3),并用红外光谱、元素分析、热重分析和粉末X射线衍射对配合物进行了表征。单晶X射线衍射结构分析表明配合物1是一个具有三方反棱柱构型的六核铜原子簇合物,配合物2是一个具有二维层状结构的化合物,配合物3是一个具有三维网状结构的配位聚合物。配合物1在390 nm光照激发下在735 nm处有强的荧光发射峰。
关键词: 2-硫代巴比妥酸  配位聚合物  荧光性质
基金项目: 中央高校基本业务费(No.2232014D3-10)和上海市大学生创新创业计划项目资助。
Abstract: Three complexes with different structures, namely {[Cu6(H2tba)6] ·2DMF·xSolvent} (1), {[Sc(H2tba)3 (DMF)] ·2DMF}n (2), and {[Fe(H2tba)2(H2O)2] ·2DMF}n (3) (DMF=N, N -dimethylformamide), were obtained through diffusion reactions using Cu(ClO4)2·6H2O, Sc(ClO4)3·6H2O, and Fe(ClO4)3·9H2O as metal salts, respectively, and 2 -thiobarbituric acid (H3tba) as ligand. Complexes 1-3 were further characterized by FTIR, elemental analysis, TGA, and powder X-ray diffraction techniques. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that complex 1 is a hexa-copper cluster with a trigonal antiprism structure, complex 2 is a 2D sheet structure, and complex 3 is a 3D network structure. Complex 1 exhibited strong luminescent emission spectra at 735 nm with an excitation peak at 390 nm.
Keywords: 2-thiobarbituric acid  coordination polymer  luminescence
投稿时间:2023-10-20 修订日期:2023-12-12
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