Preparation of nanoscale hafnium-containing metal-organic frameworks for X-ray-promoted chemodynamic synergistic therapy
肖康 南京邮电大学材料科学与工程学院, 有机电子与信息显示国家重点实验室, 南京 210023  
谢旺旺 南京邮电大学材料科学与工程学院, 有机电子与信息显示国家重点实验室, 南京 210023  
刘湘梅 南京邮电大学材料科学与工程学院, 有机电子与信息显示国家重点实验室, 南京 210023 iamxmliu@njupt.edu.cn 
摘要: 以铪簇作为金属有机骨架的连接点、刚性双羧基配体2,2'-联吡啶-5,5'-二羧酸作为连接器、乙酸或三氟乙酸和水作为结构调节剂,通过溶剂热法合成得到八面体结构(Hf-MOFs-1)和片状结构(Hf-MOFs-2)的铪基纳米金属有机骨架(Hf-nMOFs),再经Fe3+修饰得到多功能金属有机骨架材料(Hf-Fe-MOFs-1和Hf-Fe-MOFs-2)。模拟肿瘤微环境体系中羟基自由基检测结果表明,X射线照射能显著促进Hf-Fe-MOFs-1和Hf-Fe-MOFs-2材料产生羟基自由基,且片状Hf-Fe-MOFs-2羟基自由基产生能力高于八面体Hf-Fe-MOFs-1。进一步地,在细胞层面证实了材料能够成功被细胞摄入并实现低剂量X射线促进的化学动力学协同治疗。
关键词: 铪基金属有机骨架  芬顿反应  羟基自由基  化学动力学治疗  协同治疗
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.62275129)资助。
Abstract: Nanoscale hafnium-containing metal-organic frameworks (Hf-nMOFs) with octahedral (Hf-MOFs-1) and sheet-like (Hf-MOFs-2) structures were synthesized by a solvothermal method using hafnium clusters as the connection point of the MOF, rigid dicarboxylic ligand 2,2'-bipyridyl-5,5'-dicarboxylic acid as the connector, acetic acid or trifluoroacetic acid and water as the structural regulator. Subsequently, a post-modification method was used to incorporate Fe3+ into the backbone of Hf-nMOFs, leading to the creation of multifunctional nMOFs, designated as Hf-Fe-MOFs-1 and Hf-Fe-MOFs-2. In a mimic tumor microenvironment, the detection of hydroxyl radicals showed that X-ray irradiation significantly increased the generation efficiency of hydroxyl radicals in both Hf-Fe-MOFs-1 and Hf-Fe-MOFs-2, with a more generation ability of sheet-like Hf-Fe-MOFs-2 than that of octahedral Hf-Fe-MOFs-1. Additionally, cellular assays demonstrated successful uptake of the Hf-nMOFs by cells and confirmed their efficacy in achieving low-dose X-ray-promoted chemodynamic synergistic therapy.
Keywords: hafnium-containing metal-organic frameworks  Fenton reaction  hydroxyl radical  chemodynamic therapy  synergistic therapy
投稿时间:2023-04-23 修订日期:2023-09-08
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