Hydrogen evolution reaction performance of Se doped WO3·0.5H2O/g-C3N4 photo electrocatalyst
崔慧娜 宁夏师范学院化学化工学院, 固原 756000  
董文斌 宁夏师范学院化学化工学院, 固原 756000  
廖港丽 宁夏师范学院化学化工学院, 固原 756000  
赵震 宁夏师范学院化学化工学院, 固原 756000  
姚垚 宁夏师范学院化学化工学院, 固原 756000 
摘要: 以二氰二胺、硒粉和钨酸钠为前驱体,采用一锅法成功制备出Se掺杂WO3·0.5H2O/g-C3N4(Se/WCN)催化剂。并采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、场发射扫描电子显微镜(FE-SEM)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)对样品的物相结构、形貌及化学组成进行表征。与原始的WO3和g-C3N4相比,Se/WCN催化剂的起始电位降到了-0.75 V (vs RHE),电流密度高达70 mA·cm-2,表现出更高的电催化活性。而光照后,Se/WCN的催化性能进一步提升,起始电位从-0.75 V (vs RHE)降至-0.65 V (vs RHE),电荷转移电阻由371.4 Ω减小到310.0 Ω。
关键词: g-C3N4  WO3·0.5H2O  光电催化  Se掺杂  析氢
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.22265025, 12164037)、 宁夏自然科学基金(No.2021AAC05013, 2022AAC03336)、 六盘山资源工程技术研究中心(No.HGZD22-14)和无机化学重点学科资助。
Abstract: A simple one-pot method was used to prepare the Se doped WO3·0.5H2O/g-C3N4 (Se/WCN) electrocatalyst. The crystal phase structure, morphology, and chemical composition were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The electrochemical performance was measured by linear sweep voltammetry, electrochemical impedance, and chronoamperometry in 1 mol·L-1 H2SO4 solution. The results showed that the prepared Se/WCN-1 had the best electrochemical performance when the mass ratio of Se doping to g-C3N4 was 1∶1, and the overpotential was -0.75 V (vs RHE) at the current density of 70 mA·cm-2. After exposure to light, the initial potential of Se/WCN-1 decreased from -0.75 to -0.65 V (vs RHE), and charge-transfer resistance decreased from 371.4 to 310.0 Ω.
Keywords: g-C3N4  WO3·0.5H2O  photoelectrocatalysis  Se doped  hydrogen evolution
投稿时间:2022-07-16 修订日期:2022-10-24
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