Preparation and lithium storage properties of nitrogen, sulfur heteroatom hard carbon by pyrolysis of conjugated microporous polymers
张庆堂 兰州理工大学石油化工学院, 兰州 730050 zhqt137@163.com 
许宗强 兰州理工大学石油化工学院, 兰州 730050 1967685817@qq.com 
舒琦琪 兰州理工大学石油化工学院, 兰州 730050  
连斐 兰州理工大学石油化工学院, 兰州 730050  
摘要: 选取溴代噻唑和三乙炔基苯为单体,利用聚合反应自下而上构建含噻唑共轭微孔聚合物(NSCMP),通过热解和KOH活化热解NSCMP制备了氮、硫杂原子硬炭(NSHC)和活化NSHC (KNSHC)。利用扫描电子显微镜、能量色散谱、氮气吸附-脱附和恒流充放电等表征2个样品的结构与电化学性能。研究表明KNSHC中N和S的质量分数分别为10.42%和2.23%,KNSHC比表面积高达2 140 m2·g-1。在0.2 A·g-1电流密度下循环500次后KNSHC和NSHC的可逆比容量分别为946.2和493.7 mAh·g-1。KNSHC的优异电化学性能归因于其独特的孔结构和氮、硫杂原子的协同作用。
关键词: 共轭微孔聚合物  硬炭  负极材料  锂离子电池
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.21968016, 21466020)资助。
Abstract: A bottom-up approach was employed to build a thiazole-containing conjugated microporous polymer (NSCMP) by choosing bromo-thiazole and triacetylene benzene as monomers. The pyrolyzation and KOH-assisted pyrolyzation of NSCMP were performed to obtain the N, S heteroatom hard carbon (NSHC) and KOH-activated NSHC (KNSHC). NSHC and KNSHC were further characterized by scanning electronic microscope, energy-dispersive spectra (EDS), nitrogen adsorption-desorption, galvanostatic charge-discharging test, etc. The EDS revealed that the N and S mass fractions of KNSHC were 10.42% and 2.23%, respectively. The specific surface area of KNSHC was as high as 2 140 m2·g-1, which was distinctly higher than that of NSHC (657 m2·g-1). The specific capacity of KNSHC after 500 cycles at 0.2 A·g-1 was as high as 946.2 mAh·g-1, while that of NSHC was only 493.7 mAh·g-1. The excellent electrochemical performance of KNSHC may be due to the synergistic effect of N and S heteroatoms as well as the unique porous structure.
Keywords: conjugated microporous polymer  hard carbon  anode material  lithium ion battery
投稿时间:2022-05-30 修订日期:2022-10-06
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