Zinc(Ⅱ) and Cadmium(Ⅱ) Complexes Derived from 4'-(2-Pyridyl)-2,2': 6',2″-terpyridine: Crystal Structures and Fluorescence Property
苑亚南 河北工业大学化工学院, 天津 300130  
王子璇 河北工业大学化工学院, 天津 300130  
王朝阳 河北工业大学化工学院, 天津 300130  
宋瑶瑶 河北工业大学化工学院, 天津 300130  
王庆伦 南开大学化学学院, 天津 300071
南开大学先进能源材料化学教育部重点实验室, 天津 300071 
杨春 河北工业大学化工学院, 天津 300130 ychun@hebut.edu.cn 
摘要: 在溶剂热条件下合成了配合物[Zn (2-pyterpy)2](ClO42·0.25H2O (1)和[Cd (2-pyterpy)2]2(ClO44·2.33H2O·CH3OH (2)(2-pyterpy=4'-(2-吡啶基)-2,2'∶6',2″-三联吡啶),并通过元素分析、FT-IR光谱、X射线单晶衍射和X射线粉末衍射进行了表征。X射线单晶衍射结果表明,2个配合物属于三斜晶系,P1空间群。在激发波长为405 nm时,固态配合物12的荧光峰分别位于539和547 nm。在甲醇溶液中,配合物12的激发波长分别为357和352 nm,荧光峰分别为408和371 nm;亚稳态光酸mPAH1的最佳激发波长和荧光波长分别为467和556 nm。用mPAH1滴定配合物1,则mPAH1使配合物1在408 nm处的荧光猝灭,猝灭常数KSV为2.961×104 L·mol-1,但荧光寿命基本不变,这归因于内滤效应。相反,用配合物1滴定mPAH1,则混合溶液在556 nm处的荧光增强,这归因于mPAH1使配合物1部分质子化。
关键词: 锌(Ⅱ)配合物  镉(Ⅱ)配合物  亚稳态光酸  三联吡啶  内滤效应
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.21771111,21101096,21371104)和河北省引进留学人员资助项目(No.C20200317)资助。
Abstract: Complexes [Zn(2-pyterpy)2] (ClO4)2·0.25H2O (1) and [Cd(2-pyterpy)2]2(ClO4)4·2.33H2O·CH3OH (2) (2-pyterpy=4'-(2-pyridyl)-2,2':6',2″-terpyridine) were synthesized under solvothermal conditions, and structurally characterized by elemental analysis, FT-IR spectra, X-ray single crystal diffraction and powder X-ray diffraction. X-ray single crystal diffraction results show that they crystallize in the triclinic system with the P1 space group. In solid-state, complexes 1 and 2 showed the maxima emission band approximately at 539 and 547 nm upon excitation at 405 nm, respectively. In methanol solution, complexes 1 and 2 exhibited emissions at 408 and 371 nm upon excitation at 357 and 352 nm, respectively. The metastable-state photoacid mPAH1 showed fluorescence at 556 nm upon excitation at 467 nm. When complex 1 was titrated with mPAH1, the fluorescence of complex 1 at 408 nm was quenched by mPAH1 with a quenching constant KSV of 2.961×104 L·mol-1, but the fluorescence lifetime of complex 1 remained nearly unchanged, which is attributed to the inner filter effect. Conversely, titration of mPAH1 with complex 1 resulted in enhanced fluorescence of the mixed solution at 556 nm, which is attributed to partial protonation of complex 1 by mPAH1.
Keywords: zinc(Ⅱ) complex  cadmium(Ⅱ) complex  metastable-state photoacid  terpyridine  inner filter effect
投稿时间:2022-04-17 修订日期:2022-06-06
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