Preparation of Bi3TaO7/MXene Nanosheets Heterojunction for Photocatalytic Degradation of Sodium Sulfadiazine
石丹 湖北师范大学化学化工学院, 污染物分析与资源化湖北省重点实验室, 黄石 435002  
黄章律 湖北师范大学化学化工学院, 污染物分析与资源化湖北省重点实验室, 黄石 435002  
严素定 湖北师范大学化学化工学院, 污染物分析与资源化湖北省重点实验室, 黄石 435002 
王娟 湖北师范大学化学化工学院, 污染物分析与资源化湖北省重点实验室, 黄石 435002  
王国宏 湖北师范大学化学化工学院, 污染物分析与资源化湖北省重点实验室, 黄石 435002 
摘要: 分别以五水合硝酸铋(Bi (NO33·5H2O)和五氯化钽(TaCl5)作为Bi源和Ta源,采用静电吸附和溶剂热法在2D Ti3C2的表面原位生长0D Bi3TaO7纳米颗粒制备Bi3TaO7/Ti3C2复合光催化材料。通过各种物理化学表征研究了2D Ti3C2纳米片对Bi3TaO7/Ti3C2复合光催化材料微结构的影响。通过可见光下降解磺胺嘧啶钠(SD-Na)溶液来评价所制备样品的光催化性能。实验结果表明,Bi3TaO7/Ti3C2复合材料的光催化性能明显增强。在最优条件下(Ti3C2与Bi3TaO7的质量比为0.02)制备的BT2展现出最高的光催化活性,其降解SD-Na溶液的表观速率常数是纯Bi3TaO7的2.8倍。Bi3TaO7/Ti3C2复合光催化材料性能的显著提高归因于Ti3C2/Bi3TaO7异质结的形成有利于光生载流子的快速转移和分离。
关键词: MXene纳米片  钽酸铋  光催化  磺胺嘧啶钠
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(No.22075072,52003079)和湖北省自然科学基金项目(No.2021CFB569)资助
Abstract: In this work, the Bi3TaO7/Ti3C2 composite photocatalysts were in-situ deposited on the surface of 2D Ti3C2 by electrostatic adsorption and solvothermal treatment using bismuth nitrate pentahydrate and tantalum pentachloride as the Bi and Ta sources, respectively. The effects of 2D Ti3C2 nanosheets on the microstructure of Bi3TaO7/Ti3C2 were investigated by various physicochemical characterizations. The photocatalytic properties of as-prepared samples were evaluated by visible light degradation of sodium sulfadiazine (SD-Na) aqueous solution. The experimental results showed that the photocatalytic performance of the Bi3TaO7/Ti3C2 composites was significantly enhanced. Under the optimal conditions (the mass ratio of Ti3C2 to Bi3TaO7 was 0.02), the obtained BT2 sample exhibited the highest photocatalytic activity for degrading the SD-Na aqueous solution and the apparent rate constant k value was 2.8 times higher than that of the pure Bi3TaO7 sample. The significant improvement of the Bi3TaO7/Ti3C2 composite is attributed to the formation of heterojunction structure on the interface between Ti3C2 and Bi3TaO7, resulting in the rapid transfer and separation of photogenerated carriers.
Keywords: MXene nanosheets  Bi3TaO7  photocatalysis  sodium sulfadiazine
投稿时间:2022-01-02 修订日期:2022-06-21
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