可充锌电池电解(质)液调控策略 |
Electrolyte Modulation Strategies for Rechargeable Zn Batteries |
摘要: 高安全、低成本、长寿命的大规模储能新技术的突破事关未来能源结构调整以及智能电网建设。可充锌电池由于其安全性高、环境友好、成本低等优势而成为将来储能系统的重要选择。然而,常规水系电解液的应用通常导致正极活性物质溶解、水溶剂分解、锌负极腐蚀、枝晶等问题。因此,本文对水系电解质(液)体系导致的问题及相应的调控方案进行了讨论与总结。主要从电解质(液)改性角度分析了通过调控组成成分、浓度、添加剂等变量以达到改变自由水含量和锌离子溶剂化结构的目的。另外,对可充电锌电池这一新兴技术实现应用所面临的挑战进行了总结与展望。 |
关键词: 锌电池 锌负极 锌枝晶 副反应 电解质(液)调控 |
基金项目: 湖南省杰出青年科学基金(No.2021JJ10064)、湖南省青年人才支持计划(No.2020RC3011)、国家自然科学基金(No.51972346,51932011)和中南大学创新驱动项目(No.2020CX024)资助 |
Abstract: Large-scale electrical energy storage (EES) technology with high safety, low cost, and high stability determines the future energy structure adjustment and smart grid construction. Rechargeable Zn batteries (RZBs) would be an ideal candidate for EES devices because of their intrinsic environment-friendly and cost-effective properties. Although substantial progress has been achieved in RZBs in the past several years, the state-of-art RZBs are plagued by severe side-reactions like cathode materials dissolution, dendrites growth, Zn corrosion, and hydrogen evolution, which are associated with the active free water and hydrated Zn(OH)62+ ion in common aqueous solution. In this review, the electrolyte strategies including concentration, additives, and solvation structure modulation for improving Zn cycling performance are discussed in detail. This paper combines reviews and perspectives on electrolyte strategies, which would shed light on the development of high-performance RZBs. |
Keywords: Zn batteries Zn anode Zn dendrite side reactions electrolyte modulation |
投稿时间:2022-01-05 修订日期:2022-04-05 |
摘要点击次数: 2634 |
全文下载次数: 1042 |
韩明明,黄继武,吴贤文,梁叔全,周江.可充锌电池电解(质)液调控策略[J].无机化学学报,2022,38(8):1451-1469. |
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