Structural Dimensions and Optoelectronic Properties of Chiral Perovskites
占桂祥 南京工业大学先进材料研究院, 江苏省柔性电子重点实验室, 南京 211816  
杨鸿宇 南京工业大学先进材料研究院, 江苏省柔性电子重点实验室, 南京 211816  
张军然 南京工业大学先进材料研究院, 江苏省柔性电子重点实验室, 南京 211816 jrzhang@njtech.edu.cn 
王琳 南京工业大学先进材料研究院, 江苏省柔性电子重点实验室, 南京 211816 iamlwang@njtech.edu.cn 
摘要: 近十年,有机无机杂化钙钛矿凭借其新颖优异的光电特性而引起广泛关注。最近,手性钙钛矿由于结合了钙钛矿材料和手性材料各自独特性能,在三维显示、光学信息处理、量子光学、生物探测、自旋电子等方面具有重要应用价值。根据有机、无机组分的空间分布,可以对手性钙钛矿的结构维度进行分类。本文以手性钙钛矿的不同结构维度为出发点,分别阐述了一维、二维和三维手性钙钛矿的晶体结构、光学和光电特性,包括圆二色性、圆偏振光致发光和光电探测等特性。考虑到二维手性钙钛矿具有独特的范德华层状晶体结构,重点介绍了其与其它二维材料组合成二维异质结构方面的工作。最后,分别从材料制备和器件应用的角度,总结了手性钙钛矿的重点挑战问题和未来发展方向。
关键词: 手性钙钛矿  结构维度  异质结构  光学特性  光电特性
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.92064010,61904079)和江苏省自然科学基金(No.BK20190301)资助
Abstract: The past decade has witnessed an explosion of research into organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites due to their outstanding optoelectronic properties, including high flexibility, high absorption/emission efficiency, large defect tolerance, and long-distance carrier diffusion. Recently, chiral hybrid perovskites, combing the unique properties of perovskites and chiral materials, show promising potential in the applications of the three-dimensional display, optical information processing, quantum optics, biological probe, and spintronics, etc. Particularly, chiral hybrid perovskites exhibit robust circularly polarized light emission and sensitive circularly polarized light detection, as the present chiral molecules can rotate the light polarization plane differently and/or absorb the left-handed (σ-) and right-handed (σ+) circularly polarized light differently. Considering that circularly polarized light can create nonequilibrium spin polarization between the two Rashba-split bands, chiral perovskites are promising for chiro-spintronic and chiro-optoelectronic applications. Chiral perovskites can be sorted as one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and three-dimensional structures according to the space distributions of organic and inorganic components. This work demonstrates the crystal structure, and optical and optoelectronic properties of chiral perovskite of different dimensionalities, including the circular dichroism, the photoluminescence, and photodetection properties under the excitation of circularly polarized light. Considering the van der Waals coupling layered structure of two-dimensional chiral perovskites, we also introduce the work on their two-dimensional heterostructures combined with other two-dimensional materials. Last, the important challenges and promising directions of chiral perovskites are summarized in aspects of material design and device exploration.
Keywords: chiral perovskite  structure dimensionality  heterostructures  optical behavior  photoelectric property
投稿时间:2022-03-17 修订日期:2022-04-25
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