Synthesis and Slow Magnetic Relaxation of a Disc-like Dysprosium Cluster
卫晓琴 晋中学院材料科学与工程系, 山西省轻质材料改性应用协同创新中心, 晋中 030619 weixiaoqin@jzxy.edu.cn 
张凤英 晋中学院材料科学与工程系, 山西省轻质材料改性应用协同创新中心, 晋中 030619  
李万喜 晋中学院材料科学与工程系, 山西省轻质材料改性应用协同创新中心, 晋中 030619  
王新益 南京大学化学化工学院, 配位化学国家重点实验室, 南京 210023 wangxy66@nju.edu.cn 
张爱华 晋中学院化学化工系, 晋中 030619  
刘毓芳 晋中学院化学化工系, 晋中 030619  
摘要: 利用稀土盐DyCl3·6H2O、双齿配体tmphen和[Mo(CN)7]4-构筑块自组装得到镝的七核团簇化合物:[Dy7(tmphen)12O6(OH)6Cl2][Mo(tmphen)O(CN)3]6Cl7·66H2O(1,tmphen=3,4,7,8-四甲基-1,10-菲咯啉),并对其进行了结构和磁性表征。晶体结构表明,化合物1的主体为七核镝形成的圆盘状结构,而[Mo(CN)7]4-构筑块发生了氧化分解,形成了[Mo(tmphen)O(CN)3]+阳离子游离在晶格中。直流磁化率表明化合物由于存在量子隧穿弛豫路径,在低温下没有出现磁滞回线。交流磁化率表明,该化合物在零场下表现出缓慢磁弛豫的现象,具有单分子磁体的性质,其有效能垒为51.6K(35.8 cm-1,τ0=17μs)。
关键词:   多核团簇  磁各向异性  单分子磁体  磁弛豫
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.21973039)、山西省基础研究计划(自由探索类)项目(No.20210302123355)、山西省高等学校科技创新项目(No.2020L0592)、晋中学院"1331工程"新型催化材料创新团队项目(No.jzxycxtd2019005)和晋中学院博士基金项目(No.jzxybsjjxm2019020)资助。
Abstract: By using rare earth salt of DyCl3·6H2O, a bidentate ligand of tmphen and the block of[Mo (CN)7]4-, a dysprosium heptanuclear cluster was self-assembled with the formula of[Dy7(tmphen)12O6(OH)6Cl2] [Mo(tmphen)O(CN)3]6Cl7·66H2O(1, tmphen=3,4,7,8-tetramethyl-1,10-phenanthroline), which was characterized structurally and magnetically. The crystal structure shows that compound 1 is dominated by a disc-like structure of dysprosium heptanuclear. The[Mo(CN)7]4- block was oxidized and decomposed, forming[Mo(tmphen) O (CN)3]+ cations free in the lattice. Besides, weak π-π interactions are found between aromatic rings of tmphen. The direct-current (dc) magnetic susceptibility indicated this compound had no hysteresis loop at low temperatures due to the existence of the quantum tunneling relaxation path. The alternating current (ac) magnetic susceptibility, however, illustrated that the compound exhibited slow magnetic relaxation under zero field, showing the properties of a single-molecule magnet, with an effective barrier of 51.6 K (35.8 cm-1, τ0=17μs).
Keywords: dysprosium  polynuclear clusters  magnetic anisotropy  single-molecule magnets  magnetic relaxation
投稿时间:2022-03-29 修订日期:2022-05-04
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