Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Blue Emitting Phosphor Sr7Zr(PO4)6: xEu2+
胡吉卓 广西特立资源综合利用检测服务有限公司, 南宁 530021  
梁枝光 广西特立资源综合利用检测服务有限公司, 南宁 530021  
吴松凌 广西特立资源综合利用检测服务有限公司, 南宁 530021  
程秀兰 广西特立资源综合利用检测服务有限公司, 南宁 530021 
摘要: 通过高温固相反应合成了新型的蓝色荧光粉Sr7Zr(PO4)6xEu2+。通过X射线粉末衍射(XRD)、紫外可见(UV-Vis)吸收光谱、荧光光谱研究了Sr7Zr(PO4)6xEu2+材料的相纯度及荧光性质。结果表明,Eu2+掺杂获得的Sr7Zr(PO4)6xEu2+荧光粉为纯相,且200~400 nm范围内的近紫外(NUV)光均能对其进行有效的激发。在315 nm的激发下,Sr7Zr(PO4)6xEu2+荧光粉发射出峰值位于415 nm左右的蓝光,且Eu2+在Sr7Zr (PO4)6基质中的最佳掺杂浓度为0.05,相应的CIE色度坐标为(0.164,0.021),比商用BaMgAl10O17∶Eu2+(BAM)蓝色荧光粉具有更高的色纯度。
关键词: 蓝光发射  荧光粉  Sr7Zr(PO4)6:xEu2+  光学材料
Abstract: A novel blue-emitting phosphor Sr7Zr(PO4)6:xEu2+was synthesized for the first time via a traditional solid- state reaction method. Phase purity and luminescence properties of these phosphors were studied by X-ray powder diffraction, UV -Vis spectra, and fluorescence spectra. X-ray diffraction results confirmed the pure phase of Eu2+ doped Sr7Zr(PO4)6 materials and they could be efficiently pumped by the near-ultraviolet (NUV) light region from 200 to 400 nm. Excited by 315 nm, Sr7Zr(PO4)6:xEu2+ exhibited a strong and broad emission band ranging from 380 to 480 nm with a maximum peak at 415 nm. The concentration quenching mechanism of Eu2+ in Sr7Zr(PO4)6 was electric dipole-electric dipole interaction, and the critical distance for energy transfer was 2.71 nm. The optimal con-centration of Eu2+ was 0.05 and the corresponding CIE chromaticity coordinate was (0.164, 0.021), exhibiting higher color purity than commercial BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ (BAM) blue phosphor.
Keywords: blue-emitting  phosphor  Sr7Zr(PO4)6:xEu2+  optical materials
投稿时间:2022-02-15 修订日期:2022-05-18
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