Preparation of Plate NiWP@Polyhedral NiWO Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution
郭亚奇 北京工业大学材料与制造学部, 北京 100124  
范爱玲 北京工业大学材料与制造学部, 北京 100124 fanailing@bjut.edu.cn 
庞伟 北京工业大学材料与制造学部, 北京 100124  
谢登奎 北京工业大学材料与制造学部, 北京 100124  
高殿超 北京工业大学材料与制造学部, 北京 100124  
摘要: 采用水热法在泡沫镍上制备多面体镍钨氧化物(NiWO)前驱体,然后在不同温度下对前驱体进行磷化处理,获得片状镍钨磷化物(NiWP)@多面体NiWO复合电催化剂。结果表明:优化磷化温度可显著改善片状NiWP@多面体NiWO电催化析氢性能。当磷化温度为450℃时,所得电极具有较好的析氢催化活性,在1 mol·L-1 KOH中仅需115 mV的过电位就能达到10 mA·cm-2的电流密度,Tafel斜率为85 mV·dec-1,与铂片的Tafel斜率相近。此外,24 h长期稳定性测试结果表明该电催化剂具有良好的稳定性。优异的性能可归因于片状NiWP@多面体NiWO复合结构增大了催化活性面积,减小了电荷/质量传输阻力,使得析氢反应中电子转移速度加快,反应动力学性能提高。
关键词: 镍钨氧化物  磷化温度  镍钨磷化物  复合结构  电催化剂
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(No.22075290)资助。
Abstract: Here, polyhedral nickel-tungsten oxide (NiWO) precursor was prepared on nickel foam via the one-step hydrothermal method, and then it was phosphatized at different temperatures to obtain the plate nickel-tungsten phosphide (NiWP)@polyhedral NiWO composite electrocatalyst. The results showed that optimizing phosphating temperature can significantly improve the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution performance of the plate NiWP@polyhedron NiWO. When the phosphating temperature was 450℃, it exhibited excellent hydrogen evolution catalytic activity with an overpotential of 115 mV to achieve 10 mA·cm-2. The Tafel slope was 85 mV·dec-1, which was similar to Pt. In addition, the 24 h long-term stability test showed that the electrocatalyst had good stability. This excellent performance can be attributed to the fact that the plate NiWP@polyhedral NiWO composite structure increases the catalytic active area, reduces the charge/mass transfer resistance, accelerates the electron transfer rate, and increases the reaction kinetics performance.
Keywords: nickel-tungsten oxide  phosphating temperature  nickel-tungsten phosphide  composite structure  electrocatalyst
投稿时间:2021-12-08 修订日期:2022-05-11
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