Synthesis and Optical Properties of Eu3+-Doped Ca2KZn2(VO4)3 Yellow-Emitting Phosphors for Full-Spectrum White Light-Emitting Diode
朱久军 宁波大学物理科学与技术学院, 宁波 315211  
罗来慧 宁波大学物理科学与技术学院, 宁波 315211  
杜鹏 宁波大学物理科学与技术学院, 宁波 315211 dupeng@nbu.edu.cn 
薛俊鹏 釜庆国立大学物理学院, 釜山 608-737, 韩国 xjplane@126.com 
摘要: 基于蓝光芯片激发黄色荧光粉或近紫外芯片激发三基色荧光粉构建的白光发光二极管(WLED)在青光区域呈现明显的凹口,导致白光的色彩性能不够理想。为了弥补这一缺陷,实现全光谱白光,我们设计了Eu3+掺杂Ca2KZn2(VO43黄色荧光粉,其发射波长范围为400~750 nm。在387 nm激发下,在所制荧光粉中可同时获得来自VO43-基团和Eu3+的发射光。Eu3+在Ca2KZn2(VO43基质中的最佳掺杂浓度(物质的量分数)为0.05,且VO43-基团向Eu3+的能量传递效率达到64.9%。基于变温的发射光谱,揭示了所制荧光粉的热稳定性并发现VO43-基团和Eu3+的激活能分别为0.538和0.510 eV。此外,将所制黄色荧光粉与商用蓝色荧光粉和近紫外芯片进行封装整合,得到可发射暖白光的WLED器件,其色温和显色指数分别为3 843 K和85.8。
关键词: 白光发光二极管  荧光粉  荧光  稀土离子
Abstract: Traditional phosphor-converted white light-emitting diode (WLED), which is constructed either by using a blue-chip to pump yellow phosphors or a near-ultraviolet (NUV) chip to excite trichromatic phosphors, suffers from an evident cavity in the cyan region, resulting in the unsatisfied color quality of the white light. Thereby, Eu3+-doped Ca2KZn2 (VO4)3 yellow-emitting phosphors with the emission in a range of 400-750 nm were prepared to cover this spectral gap to obtain the full-spectrum white light. Excited by 378 nm, both the emissions arising from VO43- group and Eu3+ were seen in the prepared samples. The optimal doping content (molar fraction) for Eu3+ ions in the Ca2KZn2(VO4)3 host was 0.05 and energy transfer efficiency from VO43- group to Eu3+ was calculated to be around 64.9%. The thermal quenching performances of the final compounds were investigated via the use of the temperature-dependent emission spectra and the activation energies of the VO43- group and Eu3+ were 0.538 and 0.510 eV, respectively. In addition, a WLED device using the prepared yellow-emitting phosphors, commercial blue phosphors, and NUV chip exhibited well-distributed warm white light with low color correlated temperature of 3 843 K and high color rendering index of 85.8.
Keywords: white light-emitting diode  phosphors  luminescence  rare-earth ions
投稿时间:2021-07-22 修订日期:2021-12-16
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