Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Double Perovskite Ca2Gd1-xTaO6: xTb3+ Green Phosphors
彭光怀 江西理工大学化学化工学院, 赣州 341000
赣南师范大学化学化工学院, 赣州 341000 
温和瑞 江西理工大学化学化工学院, 赣州 341000 wenherui63@163.com 
韩卓 江西理工大学化学化工学院, 赣州 341000  
廖金生 江西理工大学化学化工学院, 赣州 341000 jsliao1209@126.com 
摘要: 通过高温固相法合成了双钙钛矿型Ca2Gd1-xTaO6xTb3+(CGTO:xTb3+)绿色荧光粉。采用X射线衍射、扫描电镜、荧光光谱、荧光衰减曲线、量子效率(η)测试分别表征了CGTO: xTb3+荧光粉的物相、形貌和荧光性质。在紫外光激发下,CGTO: xTb3+荧光粉实现了较强的绿光发射,绿光为Tb3+离子的5D4-7F5跃迁。通过变温发射光谱研究发现CGTO:0.15Tb3+荧光粉的热猝灭活化能为0.181 9 eV。在255 nm的激发下,最佳Tb3+掺杂浓度的CGTO:0.15Tb3+荧光粉的量子效率为32.32%。
关键词: 绿色荧光粉  Ca2GdTaO6  发光  Tb3+
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.51862012)、江西省自然科学基金(No.20202BAB204008,20165ABC28010)和赣州市创新领军人才计划资助。
Abstract: A series of double perovskite Ca2Gd1-xTaO6:xTb3+ (CGTO:xTb3+) phosphors were prepared by a hightemperature solid-state reaction method. The X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, photoluminescence spectroscopy, decay curve and quantum efficiency (η) were used to characterize CGTO:xTb3+ phosphors. Under UV excitation, CGTO:xTb3+ phosphors show intense green light emission, which is originated from the characteristic 5D4-7F5 transition of the Tb3+ ion. On the basis of temperature-dependence luminescence spectra, the activation energy of thermal quenching was about 0.181 9 eV for CGTO:0.15Tb3+ phosphor. CGTO:0.15Tb3+ phosphor as optimum doping concentration exhibited intensive green emission with the η of 32.32% under 255 nm excitation.
Keywords: green phosphor  Ca2GdTaO6  luminescence  Tb3+
投稿时间:2021-04-13 修订日期:2021-08-09
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