Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Electrochemical Properties of NASICON-Type Na4FeV(PO4)3
张育芳 西北大学物理学院, 西安 710069  
张佩 西北大学物理学院, 西安 710069  
高建华 西北大学物理学院, 西安 710069 
摘要: 采用高温熔盐法制备了NASICON型Na4FeV(PO43单晶。单晶X射线衍射数据分析表明,Na4FeV(PO43属于六方R3c空间群,单胞参数为a=b=0.878 17(4)nm,c=2.170 1(2)nm,Z=6,V=1.449 31(18)nm3。该磷酸盐属于典型的NASICON结构,由PO4四面体和Fe/VO6八面体共顶点组成三维框架结构,提供多维的Na+传输通道,2种不同类型Na+位于框架的间隙。以Na4FeV(PO43/C粉末样品作为钠电池正极材料并以金属钠为对电极制备电池时,电化学测试结果表明其具有较高的容量。
关键词: NASICON  晶体结构  钠离子电池
基金项目: 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(No.2018JM2021)资助。
Abstract: Herein, the NASICON-type Na4FeV(PO4)3 single crystal was successfully synthesized by high temperature molten salt method. The analysis of single crystal X-ray diffraction data shows that Na4FeV(PO4)3 crystallizes in hexagonal R3c space group with a=b=0.878 17(4) nm, c=2.17 01(2) nm, Z=6 and V=1.449 31(18) nm3. The crystal structure of this phosphate belongs to the typical NASICON structure, which is built up from corner-sharing PO4 tetrahedra and Fe/VO6 octahedra, providing a three-dimensional Na+ transmission channel with two different types of Na+ located in the gap of the frame. Additionally, the electrochemical tests of the as-synthesized Na4FeV(PO4)3/C as cathode material of sodium-ion battery showed a high capacity.
Keywords: NASICON  crystal structure  sodium-ion battery
投稿时间:2021-01-14 修订日期:2021-04-14
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