Preparation and Electrocatalytic Performance of Zn/N Co-doped Carbon Catalyst Derived from MOF
白亚峰 贵州梅岭电源有限公司, 遵义 563003
特种化学电源国家重点实验室, 遵义 563003 
杨子恒 贵州梅岭电源有限公司, 遵义 563003
特种化学电源国家重点实验室, 遵义 563003 
冯勇 贵州梅岭电源有限公司, 遵义 563003
特种化学电源国家重点实验室, 遵义 563003 
刘富亮 贵州梅岭电源有限公司, 遵义 563003
特种化学电源国家重点实验室, 遵义 563003 
陈晓涛 贵州梅岭电源有限公司, 遵义 563003
特种化学电源国家重点实验室, 遵义 563003 
常继莹 贵州梅岭电源有限公司, 遵义 563003
特种化学电源国家重点实验室, 遵义 563003 
摘要: 氮掺杂碳载非贵金属氧还原反应(ORR)催化剂已被广泛研究,以解决燃料电池Pt基催化剂的高成本问题。通过溶剂热法制备了无定形Zn基金属有机框架,并进一步经热处理得到Zn/N共掺杂碳催化剂。测试表明ZnN/C-900催化剂(热处理温度为900℃)具有形貌均一的球形特征且比表面积高达961 m2·g-1,N、Zn的原子含量分别为1.6%、5.87%。ZnN/C-900催化剂表现出较高的ORR催化活性及稳定性,在碱性介质中,ZnN/C-900催化剂的起始电位、半波电位和极限电流密度分别为0.955 V、0.855 V和7.10 mA·cm-2,在酸性介质中,ZnN/C-900的起始电位、半波电位和极限电流密度分别为0.882 V、0.649 V和6.01 mA·cm-2,且具有较高的稳定性和抗甲醇中毒性能。
关键词: 燃料电池  氧还原反应催化剂  金属有机框架  Zn/N共掺杂  碳球
基金项目: 特种化学电源国家重点实验室资助研究。
Abstract: In order to solve the high cost of fuel cell Pt-based catalysts, nitrogen-doped carbon non-noble metal oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalysts have been widely studied. The amorphous Zn(Ⅱ)-organic framework was prepared by solvothermal method and the Zn/N co-doped carbon catalyst was obtained by thermally processing. The results showed that the ZnN/C-900 catalyst (pyrolyzed at 900℃) had a uniform spherical structure. The N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms of ZnN/C-900 catalyst showed that it had a specific surface area of up to 961 m2 g-1, and the atomic percentages of active N and Zn were 1.6% and 5.87%. The catalyst had high ORR catalytic activity and stability. In alkaline medium, the initial potential, half-wave potential and limiting current density of ZnN/C-900 were 0.955 V, 0.855 V and 7.10 mA·cm-2, respectively. In acid medium, the initial potential, half-wave potential and limiting current density of ZnN/C-900 were 0.882 V, 0.649 V and 6.01 mA·cm-2, respectively. ZnN/C-900 exhibited high stability and resistance to methanol poisoning.
Keywords: fuel cell  oxygen reduction reaction catalyst  metal organic framework  Zn/N co-doping  carbon sphere
投稿时间:2021-01-13 修订日期:2021-04-14
摘要点击次数:  1703
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