Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Red Phosphor Sr3La2Ge3O12:Sm3+ with High Color Purity and Thermal Stability
石彩文 湖南人文科技学院材料与环境工程学院, 精细陶瓷与粉体材料湖南省重点实验室, 娄底 417000  
汲长艳 湖南人文科技学院材料与环境工程学院, 精细陶瓷与粉体材料湖南省重点实验室, 娄底 417000 jcy20061986@126.com 
曾婷 国家电子陶瓷产品质量监督检验中心(湖南), 娄底 417000  
黄志 国家电子陶瓷产品质量监督检验中心(湖南), 娄底 417000  
田修营 湖南人文科技学院材料与环境工程学院, 精细陶瓷与粉体材料湖南省重点实验室, 娄底 417000  
彭秧锡 湖南人文科技学院材料与环境工程学院, 精细陶瓷与粉体材料湖南省重点实验室, 娄底 417000  
摘要: 通过高温固相法合成了一系列Sr3La2-xGe3O12xSm3+(0≤x≤0.04)红色荧光粉,并对样品的形貌、元素组成、晶体结构、发光性能及热稳定性进行了探究。结果表明:样品Sr3La2Ge3O12xSm3+为较宽尺寸分布的颗粒,且结构中仅含有Sr、La、Ge、O、Sm等元素。样品Sr3La1.97Ge3O12:0.03Sm3+的Rietveld结构精修图与实测XRD图完全吻合,具有六方晶系结构。漫反射测试结果显示基质Sr3La2Ge3O12的带宽为5.54 eV,属于宽带隙材料。在404 nm激发下,样品Sr3La2-xGe3O12xSm3+(0≤x≤0.04)的最大发射峰位于601 nm处,属于Sm3+6H5/24L13/2能级跃迁。此外,样品Sr3La1.97Ge3O12:0.03Sm3+的发光性能最佳,其CIE色坐标为(0.532 1, 0.460 1),色纯度高达94.2%,在298~473 K范围内具有较好的热稳定性,测试温度达到423 K时发射强度仍为室温时的81.6%。
关键词: 锗酸镧锶  Sm3+  高温固相法  红色荧光粉
基金项目: 湖南省教育厅优秀青年基金(No.18B450)、精细陶瓷与粉体材料湖南省重点实验室开放基金(No.TC201704)、湖南省自然科学基金项目(No.2018JJ3251)、湖南省科技计划项目(No.2016TP1028)和湖南省“双一流”应用特色学科(湘教通【2018】469号)资助。
Abstract: A series of red emitting phosphors Sr3La2-xGe3O12:xSm3+ (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.04) were synthesized through a conventional high temperature solid state method, and the morphology, elemental composition, crystal structure, luminescence properties, and thermal stability were studied. The results showed that sample Sr3La1.97Ge3O12:0.03Sm3+ had a broad crystal size distribution. The energy dispersive spectrum (EDS) analysis predicted that there were only Sr, La, Ge, O, Sm elements in Sr3La1.97Ge3O12:0.03Sm3+. The Rietveld refinement patterns of Sr3La1.97Ge3O12:0.03Sm3+ crystallized in a hexagonal unit cell fitted well with the observed XRD results. The host lattice Sr3La2Ge3O12 exhibited an energy band gap of 5.54 eV which belongs to the class of wide band gap materials. Moreover, samples Sr3La2-xGe3O12:xSm3+ (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.04) exhibited a maximum emission peak located at 601 nm ascribed to the 6H5/24L13/2 energy level transitions of Sm3+ when excited at 404 nm. Significantly, sample Sr3La1.97Ge3O12:0.03Sm3+ not only possessed a relatively optimum photoluminescence properties with a Commission Internationale De I'eclairage (CIE) coordinates of (0.532 1, 0.460 1) and a color purity up to 94.2% among these synthesized materials, but also exhibited splendid thermal stability with the photoluminescence intensity remained 81.6% of its initial value when the temperature was 423 K.
Keywords: Sr3La2Ge3O12:Sm3+  high temperature solid state method  red phosphor
投稿时间:2020-02-23 修订日期:2020-03-11
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