Copper Supported Mesoporous Carbon Cu/CMK-3 for Catalytic Oxy-carbonylation of Methanol in Vapor Phase
王瑞玉 中国矿业大学, 低碳能源研究院, 徐州 221006  
刘亚丽 中国矿业大学, 煤炭洁净加工与高效洁净利用教育部重点实验室, 徐州 221116  
樊星 中国矿业大学, 煤炭洁净加工与高效洁净利用教育部重点实验室, 徐州 221116 fanxing@cumt.edu.cn 
魏贤勇 中国矿业大学, 煤炭洁净加工与高效洁净利用教育部重点实验室, 徐州 221116  
摘要: 通过纳米浇铸法合成了有序介孔炭CMK-3,再通过浸渍法制备了Cu/CMK-3催化剂,并将其用于气相甲醇氧化羰基化反应。N2吸附-脱附测试、X射线衍射(XRD)以及透射电镜(TEM)的表征结果表明,Cu/CMK-3具有序介孔结构,活性Cu物种均匀分散于CMK-3的表面及孔道中,粒径为10~20 nm,远小于相同条件下制备的铜/活性炭(Cu/AC)催化剂。固定床反应器的活性评价结果显示450℃下制备的Cu/CMK-3催化活性最高,反应10 h内碳酸二甲酯(DMC)的时空收率(STY)达到286 mg·g-1·h-1,选择性为76%。长周期活性评价结果表明Cu/CMK-3稳定性较相同条件下制备的Cu/AC有大幅提高,50 h内DMC的STY降低了20%,75 h内降低了28%。
关键词: 非均相催化  负载型催化剂  纳米浇注法  介孔Cu/CMK-3  碳酸二甲酯  甲醇  氧化羰基化
基金项目: 中央高校基本科研业务费(No.2017XKZD10)资助项目。
Abstract: Ordered mesoporous carbon CMK-3 was synthesized via the nanocasting route, and used to prepare Cu/CMK-3 catalyst for dimethyl carbonate (DMC) synthesis by oxidative carbonylation of methanol in a gas-phase reaction. The effect of activation temperature on the catalyst structure and catalytic performance were investigated. N2 adsorption-desorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) results revealed that the Cu/CMK-3 catalysts were mesoporous, the active copper species dispersed well in the surface and pore channels of CMK-3, their diameter were between 10~20 nm, far less than that of Cu/activated carbon (Cu/AC). The corresponding catalytic activity in a fixed-bed reactor increased with the activation temperature and the Cu/CMK-3 catalyst prepared at 450℃ exhibited the best catalytic activity. The space time yield (STY) was 286 mg·g-1·h-1 and the selectivity for DMC was 76% in 10 h running. A long periodic test also confirmed a better catalytic stability of Cu/CMK-3 compared to Cu/AC, the STY of DMC declined by 20% after 50 h reaction and 28% after 75 h reaction.
Keywords: heterogeneous catalysis  supported catalysts  nanocasting  mesoporous Cu/CMK-3  dimethyl carbonate  methanol  oxidative carbonylation
投稿时间:2019-11-01 修订日期:2020-01-05
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