Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO by C3H6 over Cu-Fe-PILC
程江浩 东华大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 201620  
苏亚欣 东华大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 201620 
李前程 东华大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 201620  
温妮妮 东华大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 201620  
邓文义 东华大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 201620  
周皞 常州工程技术学院, 常州 213164  
赵兵涛 上海理工大学能动学院, 上海 200093  
摘要: 采用羟基铁离子柱撑Na-Mont制备出1.0Fe-PILC,通过超声浸渍法合成不同铜负载量的nCu-Fe-PILC,并测试了其在富氧条件下催化C3H6选择性催化还原NO的性能。通过N2吸附脱附、XRD、UV-Vis、H2-TPR、Py-FTIR等技术手段表征催化剂的微观结构和物化性质,进一步解释其催化反应机理。结果表明,Cu的引入提高了1.0Fe-PILC的中低温活性和抗水硫能力。其中9Cu-Fe-PILC在<300℃时NO转化率可达69.8%以上,400℃后NO转化率保持在99%以上且水硫影响较小。XRD、N2吸附脱附结果表明,催化剂的SCR活性与所负载的活性组分和催化剂的吸附能力有关。UV-Vis结果表明,9Cu-Fe-PILC具有较强的中低温活性,与其含有较多的游离态Cu2+有关。H2-TPR结果表明,与1.0Fe-PILC相比,经Cu修饰的nCu-Fe-PILC获得了中低温还原能力。Py-FTIR结果表明,nCu-Fe-PILC表面同时含有Lewis酸和Brønsted酸,Lewis酸是影响催化剂SCR活性的主要因素。
关键词: 丙烯  选择性催化还原  nCu-Fe-PILC  柱撑黏土
基金项目: 上海市自然科学基金项目(No.19ZR1400700,17ZR1419300),江苏省自然科学基金(No.BK20181161),中央高校基本科研业务费(No.2232019D3-24)。
Abstract: 1.0Fe-PILC was prepared by ion-exchange method with Na-Mont. nCu-Fe-PILC with different copper loadings were prepared by ultrasonic impregnation method, and used for the selective catalytic reduction of NO by C3H6 under oxygen-rich conditions. The microstructure and physicochemical properties of the catalysts were characterized by N2 adsorption-desorption, XRD, UV-Vis, H2-TPR and Py-FTIR, and the catalytic reaction mechanism was further explained. The results showed that the introduction of Cu improved the activity of the medium and low temperature and the resistance to H2O and SO2, among which more than 69.8% NO conversion at below 300℃, above 99% NO conversion after 400℃ and good resistance to H2O and SO2 were achieved by 9Cu-Fe-PILC. XRD and N2 adsorption-desorption results indicated that the SCR activity of the catalysts was related to the adsorption capacity and the supported active components. UV-Vis studies showed that 9Cu-Fe-PILC got strong activity at the medium and low temperature, which was related to its more isolated Cu2+. The H2-TPR results showed that the nCu-Fe-PILC modified by Cu had a better redox ability at the medium and low temperature compared with 1.0Fe-PILC. The results of Py-FTIR indicated that the surface of nCu-Fe-PILC contained both Lewis acid and Brønsted acid. Lewis acid was the main factor affecting the activity of SCR.
Keywords: C3H6  selective catalytic reduction of NO  nCu-Fe-PILC  pillared clay
投稿时间:2019-06-14 修订日期:2019-09-14
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