Research Progress on Single-Ion Magnets and Their Magnetic Relaxation Dynamics
芶晓霜 南开大学化学学院, 天津 300071  
王梦梦 南开大学化学学院, 天津 300071  
孟茜茜 南开大学化学学院, 天津 300071  
程鹏 南开大学化学学院, 天津 300071 pcheng@nankai.edu.cn 
摘要: 单分子磁体因其在高密度信息存储、自旋电子学以及量子计算方面有潜在的应用价值而被广泛关注。单离子磁体是具有单个金属自旋中心的单分子磁体,其特点是结构简单、可设计性强和磁构关系更易研究。本文介绍了近年来典型的单离子磁体及其磁弛豫动力学的研究进展。
关键词: 单离子磁体  镧系离子  过渡金属离子  单分子磁体行为  磁弛豫
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(No.2018YFA0306002)和国家自然科学基金(No.21771112,21331003)资助项目
Abstract: Single-molecule magnets have attracted extensive attention for their potential applications in high-density data storage, molecular spintronics and quantum information processing. Single-molecule magnets with single spin-carrier center, denoted single-ion magnets, feature simple structures, outstanding designability and advantages for studying magneto-structure correlation. Typical single-ion magnets and their magnetic relaxation dynamics are reviewed in this paper.
Keywords: single-ion magnets  lanthanide ions  transition metal ions  single molecule magnetic behavior  magnetic relaxation
投稿时间:2019-09-17 修订日期:2019-09-25
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