Soft-Chemical Preparation and Performance of Red Phosphor Cs2SiF6: Mn4+ for White LEDs
刘曼曼 长春理工大学化学与环境工程学院, 长春 130022  
耿爱芳 长春理工大学化学与环境工程学院, 长春 130022 gengaifang0687@sina.com 
闫景辉 长春理工大学化学与环境工程学院, 长春 130022 yjh@cust.edu.cn 
连洪洲 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所, 稀土资源利用国家重点实验室, 长春 130022  
摘要: 采用了一种软化学制备方法合成了Cs2SiF6∶Mn4+红色荧光粉。通过粉末X射线衍射XRD、扫描电镜SEM对样品的物相和形貌进行了表征。并测试了不同Mn4+掺杂浓度下的样品的荧光光谱、变温光谱、荧光寿命、量子效率等来评估其性能。同时,进行了LED器件封装并完成了光电性能测试。结果表明,所合成的纯相红色荧光粉Cs2SiF6∶Mn4+表面呈现不规则的形貌。激发光谱中,位于360和460 nm的宽带激发峰分别归属于4A2g4T1g4A2g4T2g跃迁。发射光谱中,位于630 nm处的窄带发射峰可归结为2Eg4A2g跃迁。温度从25℃升高到150℃,发光强度基本保持不变,150℃时的发光强度是25℃时的100.03%。不同Mn4+掺杂浓度下的样品的发光寿命均在8.0 ms以上。最佳样品Cs2SiF6∶0.06Mn4+的量子效率是88%。此外,采用Cs2SiF6∶0.06Mn4+作为红色组份封装成的LED器件,当Cs2SiF6∶0.06Mn4+的添加量为24%(质量分数)时,器件的色坐标是(0.411 3,0.412 9),色温CCT=3 899 K,显色指数Ra=88,R9=84.2,流明效率为123.84 lm·W-1,同时器件发出暖白光。
关键词: 软化学法  红色荧光粉  光学性能  暖白光
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.51672266,91433110,51472234,51672265)资助项目。
Abstract: Cs2SiF6:Mn4+ red phosphor was synthesized by a soft chemistry method. The phase and morphology of the samples were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The fluorescence spectra with different Mn4+ doping concentrations, temperature-dependence emission spectra, lumine-scence lifetime and quantum efficiency of the samples were measured to evaluate their performance. At the same time, the LED devices were encapsulated and the photoelectric performance was tested. The results reveal that the as-synthesized pure phase red phosphor Cs2SiF6:Mn4+ has an irregular morphology. In the excitation spectra, the broadband excitation peaks at 360 and 460 nm are attributed to 4A2g4T1g and 4A2g4T2g transitions, respectively. In the emission spectra, the narrow-band emission peak at 630 nm can be attributed to 2Eg4A2g transition. When the temperature rose from 25 to 150℃, the luminescence intensity remained basically unchanged. The luminescence intensity at 150℃ was 100.03% of that at 25℃. The luminescence life of samples with different Mn4+ doping concentrations are above 8.0 ms. The quantum efficiency of the optimal sample Cs2SiF6:0.06Mn4+ is 88%. In addition, in the devices encapsulated by using Cs2SiF6:0.06Mn4+ as the red component, when the addition amount of Cs2SiF6:0.06Mn4+ is 24% (mass fraction), the CIE coordinate is (0.411 3, 0.412 9), color temperature CCT=3 899 K, color rendering index Ra=88, R9=84.2, and the luminous efficiency is 123.84 lm·W-1. Meanwhile, the devices emit warm white light.
Keywords: soft chemistry method  red phosphors  optical performance  warm white light
投稿时间:2019-04-19 修订日期:2019-05-16
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