Honeycomb-like Carbon Materials Derived from Pomelo Peels for the Simultaneous Detection of Heavy Metal Ions
张婷 浙江理工大学材料与纺织学院、丝绸学院, 杭州 310018  
马仕杰 浙江理工大学材料与纺织学院、丝绸学院, 杭州 310018  
潘逸 浙江理工大学材料与纺织学院、丝绸学院, 杭州 310018  
管继彪 浙江理工大学材料与纺织学院、丝绸学院, 杭州 310018  
张明 浙江理工大学材料与纺织学院、丝绸学院, 杭州 310018  
朱罕 江南大学化学与材料工程学院食品胶体与生物技术教育部重点实验室, 无锡 214122  
杜明亮 江南大学化学与材料工程学院食品胶体与生物技术教育部重点实验室, 无锡 214122 du@jiangnan.edu.cn 
摘要: 不含金属的碳材料通过廉价且易获得的柚子皮经KOH活化和高温热解获得,该碳材料具有高比表面积(1 055 m2·g-1)和高石墨化程度的类蜂窝状结构。将多孔碳(PAC)材料修饰后的电极作为工作电极,采用阳极溶出伏安法(SWASV)同步检测Cd2+、Pb2+和Cu2+离子,表现出较高的灵敏度、可重复性、稳定性和较低的检测限。研究认为PAC的微孔和中孔可以充当有效的离子传递通道,从而加速离子的扩散并显著提高交换效率,而高的石墨化程度提高了材料的导电性,加速了电子传输。
关键词: 碳质材料  柚子皮  类蜂窝状结构  多孔材料  重金属离子检测  方波阳极溶出伏安法(SWASV)
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.51373154,51573166)资助项目。
Abstract: The metal-free carbon materials were obtained by a facile KOH activation and pyrolysis process from inexpensive and readily available pomelo peels, and possessed honeycomb-like nanostructures with a high specific surface area of 1 055 m2·g-1 and a high graphitization degree. A porous activated carbon (PAC) material modified electrode was utilized as the working electrode for the simultaneous detection of Cd2+, Pb2+, and Cu2+ using square-wave anodic stripping voltammetry (SWASV) and exhibited high sensitivity, repeatability, stability and a low detection limit. The interconnected micropores and mesopores act as efficient ion-transfer channels and provid active surface areas with high accessibility, which serve as transport highways to accelerate mass diffusion and significantly promote exchange efficiency. High graphitization degree increases the electrical conductivity of the material and accelerates electron transport.
Keywords: carbonaceous materials  pomelo peels  honeycomb-like nanostructures  porous materials  heavy metal ion detection  square-wave anodic stripping voltammetry (SWASV)
投稿时间:2018-09-25 修订日期:2019-01-22
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