Preparation and Adsorption of 2-Nitro-1,3-benzenediol of Fe3O4/GO/PPy Composite
雷李玲 郑州轻工业大学, 郑州 450000  
杨清香 郑州轻工业大学, 郑州 450000  
赵俊红 郑州轻工业大学, 郑州 450000  
张琰 郑州轻工业大学, 郑州 450000  
贾朝阳 郑州轻工业大学, 郑州 450000  
路冉 郑州轻工业大学, 郑州 450000  
聂李敏 郑州轻工业大学, 郑州 450000  
陈志军 郑州轻工业大学, 郑州 450000 mcchenzj@zzuli.edu.cn 
摘要: 采用改进的Hummers法制备了氧化石墨烯,用水热法首次制备了Fe3O4/GO/PPy(聚吡咯)三元复合粒子用于处理含2-硝基-1,3-苯二酚(NRC)的废水,研究了其对水中NRC的吸附性能。采用紫外-可见吸收光谱(UV-Vis)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)、X射线衍射(XRD)、振动样品磁强计及ζ电位等对所制备复合粒子的结构进行了表征;研究了溶液pH值、吸附剂用量、NRC的初始浓度、吸附时间和温度对吸附NRC的吸附性能的影响,并对吸附过程进行了吸附动力学模拟。结果表明:制备的Fe3O4/GO/PPy复合材料为层状分散结构,PPy及Fe3O4颗粒无规则地镶嵌在石墨烯片层之间。Fe3O4颗粒为多面体晶体结构,尺寸为100~300 nm。Fe3O4/GO/PPy具有超顺磁性,40 s可以磁分离,NRC移除率达91.6%;在NRC浓度为200 mg·L-1、pH=5±0.05、温度T=318 K、吸附剂用量10 mg·L-1和吸附时间6 h的条件下Fe3O4/GO/PPy对NRC的吸附量最大,达到163.3 mg·g-1。NRC吸附动力学符合二级动力学模型,吸附等温线符合Langmuir模型。循环使用5次后,NRC的移除率由最初的91.6%下降至77.6%,说明Fe3O4/GO/Ppy磁性复合物的结构具有较好的稳定性,且可以再重复利用。
关键词: 吸附  无机-有机杂化材料  石墨烯  2-硝基-1,3-苯二酚
基金项目: 国家基金项目(No.21401170,21271160,91022011,21371092)和河南省重大科技专项项目(No.CLY20180008,CLY20180009)资助。
Abstract: In order to improve the ability to remove 2-nitro-1,3-benzenediol (NRC) in water, Fe3O4/GO/PPy ternary composites were prepared by hydrothermal method using GO prepared by modified Hummers method. UV-visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-Vis), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), ζ potential analysis to study the structural of magnetic nanocomposites, while the pH value of the solution, the amount of adsorbent, initial concentration, adsorption time and temperature on the adsorption of NRC were studied by adsorption kinetics and adsorption isotherms. The results showed that the prepared Fe3O4/GO/PPy composites were layered dispersed structure; GO layer structure was stripped; PPy and Fe3O4 particles irregularly interspersed among the GO sheets. Fe3O4 particles were the polyhedral crystal structure with polyhedral size in the range of 100~300 nm. The interface between Fe3O4 and PPy particles in the graphene sheet layer was in close contact with each other; Fe3O4/GO/PPy could easily separated in water because of the superparamagnetism. Fe3O4/GO/PPy could be separated with 40 s under external magnetic field and the removal ratio of the NRC was 91.6%. The adsorption property of Fe3O4/GO/PPy for NRC obtained the strongest adsorption under the NRC initial concentration (C0) was 200 mg·L-1, pH value was 5.00±0.05, tempreture (T) was 318.15 K, adsorbent dosage (m) was 10 mg·L-1 and time (t) was 6 h, and the adsorption amount reached 163.3 mg·g-1. The adsorption kinetics of NRC follows the second-order kinetic model, and the adsorption isotherm conforms to the Langmuir model. After using NRC for five times, the removal rate decreased from 91.6% to 77.6%, that illustrated Fe3O4/GO/PPy magnetic complex possessed good stability and repeated use ability.
Keywords: adsorption  organic-inorganic hybrid composites  graphene  2-nitro-1,3-benzenediol
投稿时间:2018-11-20 修订日期:2019-02-21
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