Preparation and Properties of HA/Ag Nanocomposites
翁仪瑾 上海工程技术大学, 上海 201620  
张霞 上海工程技术大学, 上海 201620 zhangxia@sues.edu.cn 
周韬 上海工程技术大学, 上海 201620  
蒋浩 上海工程技术大学, 上海 201620  
张垒 上海工程技术大学, 上海 201620  
刘肖 上海工程技术大学, 上海 201620  
摘要: 采用一锅热熔胶法制备出多孔花状羟基磷灰石/银(HA/Ag)纳米复合材料。通过检测罗丹明B揭示了HA/Ag作为SERS活性底物的独特拉曼增强效应,其检测极限为10-8 mol·L-1。在检测中,改变拉曼激光强度,取点位置等手段能有效提高检测的灵敏度。此外,所制备的多孔纳米复合材料HA/Ag作为对硝基苯酚(4-NP)还原为对氨基苯酚(4-AP)反应的催化剂,可以大大缩短反应时间40 min。
关键词: 表面增强拉曼  HA/Ag纳米复合材料  罗丹明B  对硝基苯酚  催化
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金青年基金(No.61404082)资助项目。
Abstract: A porous flower-like hydroxyapatite/silver (HA/Ag) nanocomposite was prepared via one-pot sol-thernal method. The unique Raman-enhancing effect of the HA/Ag nanocomposite as the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) active substrate was revealed by rhodamine B detection at the concentration as low as 10-8 mol·L-1. In the detection, changing the intensity of the Raman laser and the position of the taking points can effectively improve the sensitivity of the detection. In addition, the prepared porous nanocomposite HA/Ag acts as a catalyst for the reduction of p-nitrophenol (4-NP) to p-aminophenol (4-AP), which can greatly shorten the reaction time by 40 min.
Keywords: SERS  HA/Ag nanocomposite  Rhodamine B  p-nitrophenol  catalysis
投稿时间:2018-11-08 修订日期:2019-01-07
摘要点击次数:  1552
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