Synthesis and Performance of La2Mo2O7 with MWCNTs Composite Materials as Pt-Free Counter Electrodes for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
武克忠 河北师范大学化学与材料科学学院, 河北省无机纳米重点实验室, 石家庄 050024  
赵佳静 河北师范大学化学与材料科学学院, 河北省无机纳米重点实验室, 石家庄 050024  
熊元元 河北师范大学化学与材料科学学院, 河北省无机纳米重点实验室, 石家庄 050024  
阮北 河北师范大学化学与材料科学学院, 河北省无机纳米重点实验室, 石家庄 050024  
武明星 河北师范大学化学与材料科学学院, 河北省无机纳米重点实验室, 石家庄 050024 sc05019017@163.com 
摘要: 通过高温固相法对醋酸镧(C6H9O6La·xH2O)与高钼酸铵((NH46Mo7O24·4H2O)在一定条件下热解制备非Pt催化剂La2Mo2O7(La2O3-2MoO2)。进一步采用2种方法将La2Mo2O7与多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs)进行复合,一种是将La2Mo2O7喷涂到MWCNTs表层之上得到La2Mo2O7/MWCNTs,另一种是将两者均匀混合掺杂得到La2Mo2O7@MWCNTs,再将上述2种复合材料应用于染料敏化太阳能电池对电极进行相应研究。通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)表征了复合催化材料的微观形貌,X射线衍射(XRD)确定了微观结构。采用电流密度-光电压曲线、循环伏安,交流阻抗以及塔菲尔极化分析了材料的光电性能。实验结果表明在电解液I3-/I-中,基于La2Mo2O7/MWCNTs与La2Mo2O7@MWCNTs的对电极,相同的条件下在光电池中获得的光电转换效率分别为6.09%和4.84%,明显高于MWCNTs的3.94%和La2Mo2O7的0.87%。电极性能的提高可归因于La2Mo2O7复合催化剂相对大的比表面积和高导电性。
关键词: 染料敏化太阳能电池  能量转换效率  对电极  钼酸铵  复合物
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.21473048,21303039),河北自然科学基金(No.B2015205163,B2016205161),河北省科技厅计划项目(No.16211117)和河北教育厅计划项目(No.QN2017087)资助。
Abstract: A Pt-free counter electrode (CE) composed of La2Mo2O7 (La2O3-2MoO2) was successfully synthesized via the simple pyrolysis of lanthanum acetate (C6H9O6La·xH2O) and hexaammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate ((NH4)6Mo7O24·4H2O) in a high-temperature solid-state reaction. Also, La2Mo2O7 and multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) are combined using two methods. La2Mo2O7/MWCNTs was prepared by spray-coating La2Mo2O7 over the surface of MWCNTs, and La2Mo2O7@MWCNTs was synthesized by doping La2Mo2O7 into MWCNTs. The two types of composite materials were further used as Pt-free catalytic material in CEs in dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). The morphology and microstructure of La2Mo2O7/MWCNTs and La2Mo2O7@MWCNTs were determined using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The electrochemical performance of the La2Mo2O7/MWCNTs and La2Mo2O7@MWCNTs composite catalysts for CEs was determined using photocurrent-voltage measurements, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and Tafel polarization in encapsulation of DSSCs batteries. The experimental results show that power conversion efficiencies of 6.09% and 4.84% were obtained for La2Mo2O7/MWCNTs and La2Mo2O7@MWCNTs, respectively, as CEs toward the reduction of I3-/I- ions, and these values are superior to those of MWCNTs (3.94%) and the La2Mo2O7 (0.87%) electrode under the same conditions. The enhanced electrode performance was attributed to the relatively larger surface area and higher conductivity of the La2Mo2O7/MWCNTs composite catalysts.
Keywords: dye-sensitized solar cell  power conversion efficiency  counter electrode  molybdenum acid lanthanum  composite material
投稿时间:2018-03-21 修订日期:2018-09-01
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