Halloysite Nanotubes-Templated One-Step Preparation for Carbon Nanotubes/Carbon Nanorods Mixed Carbon Nanomaterials
程志林 扬州大学化学化工学院, 扬州 225002 zlcheng224@126.com 
曹宝冲 扬州大学化学化工学院, 扬州 225002  
刘赞 扬州大学化学化工学院, 扬州 225002  
摘要: 利用埃洛石纳米管(HNTs)特有的中空纳米结构,以及丰富的界面化学性质,以聚乙烯醇(PVA)为碳源,采用浸渍填充纳米孔方法实现了一步制备一维碳纳米管(CNTs)/碳纳米棒(CNRs)混合纳米碳材料。考察模板剂(HNTs)和碳源(PVA)之间的比例关系对混合纳米碳材料的结构影响,利用XRD、FTIR、Raman、N2吸附-脱附测试、TEM、SEM以及电阻率和分散性等表征手段分析混合纳米碳材料的结构变化。结果发现,PVA填充含量的增加将导致产物中CNRs的质量分数增加;当PVA和HNTs质量之比为1∶1时,所制备的CNTs/CNRs的孔体积达到最大值2.142 cm3·g-1,比表面积达到583 m2·g-1,并且表现出较好的电导率和分散性,表明低的PVA填充比例制备的混合碳材料中CNTs含量较高。
关键词: 多孔碳  纳米技术  埃洛石  硬模板
基金项目: 江苏省产学研合作-前瞻性联合研究项目(No.BY2016069-02)和扬州市重点研发计划-社会发展(No.YZ2016072)资助项目。
Abstract: This work developed a novel approach to prepare the CNTs/CNRs mixed nanomaterials by nanocasting method with tuning HNTs/PVA proportion, which employed HNTs as template and PVA as carbon source. We explored the effect of HNTs/PVA proportion on the structure of the mixed carbon nanomaterials. A series of characterizations, such as XRD, FTIR, Raman, N2 adsorption-desorption, TEM, SEM, resistivity and dispersibility, were used to determine the structure of the CNTs/CNRs mixed nanomaterials. The results found that PVA nanocasting content in the hollow nanostructure of HNTs affected the increase of CNRs in the CNTs/CNRs mixed nanomaterials. Upon the mass proportion of PVA/HNTs up to 1:1, the pore volume of the CNTs/CNRs mixed nanomaterials approached to the maximum of 2.142 cm3·g-1 and the specific surface area was up to 583 m2·g-1, and definitely showed a better conductivity and dispersibility, demonstrating that a lower PVA nanocasting content in HNTs could fulfilled a higher CNTs content in the CNTs/CNRs mixed nanomaterials.
Keywords: porous carbon  nanotechnology  HNTs  hard template
投稿时间:2018-04-24 修订日期:2018-07-31
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