Syntheses, Characterization and Luminescent Properties of Two Silver(Ⅰ) Complexes Based on N-donor and P-donor Ligands
匡晓楠 首都师范大学化学系, 北京 100048  
王宇 首都师范大学化学系, 北京 100048  
朱宁 首都师范大学化学系, 北京 100048  
刘敏 北京工业大学材料科学与工程学院, 北京 100124  
杨玉平 中央民族大学理学院, 北京 100081  
李中峰 首都师范大学化学系, 北京 100048  
韩洪亮 首都师范大学化学系, 北京 100048  
金琼花 首都师范大学化学系, 北京 100048 jinqh@cnu.edu.cn 
摘要: 在甲醇和二氯甲烷的混合溶液中合成了2个新的银(Ⅰ)配合物,[Ag2(dppp)2(phen)2](CF3SO321)和[Ag2(dppm)2(dpq)2](CF3SO32 ·3CH3OH(2)(dppp=1,2-双(二苯膦)丙烷,dppm=1,2-双(二苯膦)甲烷,phen=1,10-菲咯啉,dpq=[2,3-f]吡嗪并[1,10]菲咯啉),通过红外光谱、X射线单晶衍射、核磁共振氢谱、荧光光谱和太赫兹时域光谱进行了分析和表征。1是由AgCF3SO3,dppp和phen以1:1:1的比例混合得到的双核化合物。中心原子Ag(Ⅰ)通过双膦配体(dppp)桥联和含氮配体(phen)的螯合作用形成环。与1相似,2是由AgCF3SO3和dppm,dpq以1:1:1的比例反应得到的相似的双核化合物。荧光光谱表明所有的发射峰均源于配体中的π-π*跃迁。
关键词: 银配合物  荧光  太赫兹谱
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.21171119,81573822,11574408),北京教育委员会基金(No.KM201210028020),北京市优秀人才项目(No.2010D005016000002)和北京市自然科学基金(No.2172017,2172012)资助
Abstract: Two novel silver(Ⅰ) complexes,[Ag2(dppp)2(phen)2](CF3SO3)2 (1) and[Ag2(dppm)2(dpq)2](CF3SO3)2·3CH3OH (2) (dppp=bis(diphenylphosphino)propane, dppm=bis(diphenylphosphino)methane, phen=1,10-phenan-throline, dpq=pyrazino[2,3-f] [1,10]phenanthroline), have been synthesized in mixed solvent CH3OH and CH2Cl2 and characterized by IR, single-crystal X-ray diffraction, 1H NMR spectroscopy, fluorescence spectra and THz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). Complex 1 is of a binuclear complex,which was generated by the reaction of AgCF3SO3 and dppp with phen in 1:1:1 molar ratio. In complex 1, the central Ag(Ⅰ) ion forms a ring by the bridging bisphosphine ligand (dppp) and chelating N-donor ligand (phen). Like 1, 2 is of a binuclear complex, which was obtained by the reaction of AgCF3SO3 and dppm with dpq in 1:1:1 molar ratio. The luminescent spectra show that all these emissions are assigned to ligand centered π-π* transition.
Keywords: silver(Ⅰ) complex  fluorescence  terahertz spectra
投稿时间:2018-04-22 修订日期:2018-05-11
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