Preparation and Catalytic Performance of Pt/γ-AlOOH Nanorods Catalytic Materials
肖龙亚 湖北工业大学绿色轻工材料湖北省重点实验室, 武汉 430068
湖北工业大学绿色轻质材料与加工协同创新中心, 武汉 430068 
陈诺 湖北工业大学绿色轻工材料湖北省重点实验室, 武汉 430068  
代志寅 湖北工业大学绿色轻工材料湖北省重点实验室, 武汉 430068  
文帅 湖北工业大学绿色轻工材料湖北省重点实验室, 武汉 430068  
汪杰 湖北工业大学绿色轻工材料湖北省重点实验室, 武汉 430068  
邓军阳 湖北工业大学绿色轻工材料湖北省重点实验室, 武汉 430068  
聂龙辉 湖北工业大学绿色轻工材料湖北省重点实验室, 武汉 430068
湖北工业大学绿色轻质材料与加工协同创新中心, 武汉 430068 
摘要: 水热法制备了γ-AlOOH纳米棒,再以此纳米棒为载体,通过浸渍-NaBH4还原法制备了Pt/γ-AlOOH催化剂,考察了Pt/γ-AlOOH室温催化氧化甲醛的性能及Pt负载量对催化性能的影响。通过XRD,XPS,TEM和N2吸附-脱附测试等手段对所制备的样品进行表征。研究结果表明:Pt/γ-AlOOH催化剂比Pt/γ-Al2O3具有更高的催化活性,主要是由于前者表面具有丰富的羟基基团和高分散Pt纳米颗粒。Pt/γ-AlOOH催化剂的活性先随Pt含量(0.05%~0.5%(w/w))的增加而增加,最后基本保持不变。从催化活性和成本两方面考虑,0.2%(w/w)Pt为最佳负载量。
关键词: 多相催化  甲醛氧化  Pt/γ-AlOOH纳米棒
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.51572074)、湖北省绿色轻质材料重点实验室开放课题(No.201710A12)和大学生创新训练项目(No.201610500021)资助。
Abstract: γ-AlOOH nanrods were firstly prepared via a hydrothermal method, and then Pt/γ-AlOOH nanrods catalysts (PA) were obtained by a combined impregnation and NaBH4-reduction method using γ-AlOOH nanrods as supports. The obtained PA was used to catalytically oxidize formaldehyde (HCHO) at room temperature and the effect of Pt content on catalytic activity was also studied. The prepared samples were characterized by XRD, TEM, XPS and N2 adsorption-desorption isothermal test. The results show that PA reveals higher catalytic acitivity than Pt/γ-Al2O3, which is mainly due to the abundance of surface hydroxyls and high dispersion of Pt nanoparticles. The catalytic activities of PA firstly increase and then almost maintain unchanged with increasing of Pt content in the range of 0.05%~0.5% (w/w). 0.2% (w/w) Pt is the optimum loading considering both catalytic activity and cost.
Keywords: heterogeneous catalysis  formaldehyde oxidation  Pt/γ-AlOOH nanrods
投稿时间:2018-03-26 修订日期:2018-05-15
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