分级结构CdS QDs/BiOCl复合光催化剂的制备及其对有机污染物的降解
Preparation of Hierarchical CdS QDs/BiOCl Microsphere with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity for Organic Pollutant Elimination
潘金波 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室, 北京 100029  
刘建军 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室, 北京 100029 jjliu717@126.com 
马贺成 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室, 北京 100029  
UsmanAliKhan 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室, 北京 100029  
左胜利 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室, 北京 100029  
于迎春 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室, 北京 100029  
李保山 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室, 北京 100029  
摘要: 采用简单液相沉积法制备了分级结构CdS QDs/BiOCl复合光催化剂,以XRD,SEM,TEM,HRTEM,XPS,EDS,UV-Vis DRS,PL等测试方法分别表征了样品的物相、形貌、组成、元素含量、光吸收性能以及光电特性,并以罗丹明B(RhB)和苯酚为模型污染物,分别在可见光和紫外光下评价CdS QDs/BiOCl复合光催化剂的催化性能。测试结果表明,粒径为5.5 μm的BiOCl微球由大量纳米片有序堆积而成,所负载的粒径为10~20 nm的CdS QDs均匀分布在BiOCl纳米片表面。与纯BiOCl和CdS QDs/BiOCl相比,CdS QDs/BiOCl-3%表现出最佳的光催化性能,其对RhB和苯酚的降解速率常数分别是纯BiOCl的2.6倍和5.3倍。CdS QDs/BiOCl复合光催化剂性能的提高可归结于,分级结构BiOCl有效防止了片层堆积,有助于CdS QDs的负载,另外,CdS QDs的负载拓展了复合光催化剂的光吸收性能,均匀分布的CdS QDs与BiOCl形成的异质结促进了光生电子-空穴对的有效分离。
关键词: 液相沉积法  BiOCl  CdS QDs  分级结构  光催化
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.11172043)资助项目。
Abstract: Hierarchical CdS QDs/BiOCl microsphere was prepared via a facile liquid deposition process. XRD, SEM, TEM, HRTEM, XPS, EDS, UV-Vis DRS, PL were used to characterize the phase composition, morphology, composition, light absorption and photoelectric property. Rhodamine (RhB) and phenol were used as the model pollutant to evaluate the photocatalytic performance of CdS QDs/BiOCl under visible and UV light, respectively. The tests indicate that the BiOCl microsphere with size of 5.5 μm is composed of massive nanosheets. Besides, CdS QDs with size of 10~20 nm distributed uniformly on the surface of BiOCl nanosheets. Compared to pure BiOCl and CdS QDs/BiOCl, CdS QDs/BiOCl-3% exhibits the best photocatalytic activity, which is over 2.6 and 5.3 times as high as pure BiOCl for RhB and phenol photodegradation rate. The enhanced photocatalytic performance of the CdS QDs/BiOCl composites should be ascribed to the hierarchical structure of BiOCl which prevented the nanosheets from piling up, enabling CdS QDs to disperse uniformly on the surface of BiOCl nanosheets, moreover, the improved visible light absorption and the high migration efficiency of the photogenerated electron-holes due to the matched band gap and the widespread heterostructure between CdS QDs and BiOCl.
Keywords: liquid deposition process  BiOCl  CdS QDs  hierarchical structure  photocatalytic activity
投稿时间:2018-02-05 修订日期:2018-05-25
摘要点击次数:  3196
全文下载次数:  1427
潘金波,刘建军,马贺成,UsmanAliKhan,左胜利,于迎春,李保山.分级结构CdS QDs/BiOCl复合光催化剂的制备及其对有机污染物的降解[J].无机化学学报,2018,34(8):1421-1429.
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