Influence of Microstructure of Pt-FeOx Catalyst on the Catalytic CO Oxidation
郑彬 吉林大学化学学院, 表面与界面化学吉林省重点实验室, 长春 130023
聊城大学化学化工学院, 聊城 252000 
甘涛 吉林大学化学学院, 表面与界面化学吉林省重点实验室, 长春 130023  
吴淑杰 吉林大学化学学院, 表面与界面化学吉林省重点实验室, 长春 130023  
刘钢 吉林大学化学学院, 表面与界面化学吉林省重点实验室, 长春 130023  
张文祥 吉林大学化学学院, 表面与界面化学吉林省重点实验室, 长春 130023 
摘要: 借助较为成熟的纳米技术手段,采用PVP为保护剂、乙二醇为还原剂制备具有不同Pt/Fe比例的双金属纳米粒子,最终通过氧化处理获得具有不同微结构环境的纳米Pt-FeOx催化剂,并以此为模型考察它们对CO氧化性能的影响。结果表明FeOx物种的数量一方面影响Pt物种的价态,同时也影响Fe物种自身的氧化还原性质,这些性质直接和间接地影响着CO和氧分子的活化,Pt周围适量FeOx物种的存在对构建高活性CO氧化催化剂有利。
关键词: CO催化氧化  纳米催化  Pt基催化剂  氧化铁  双金属纳米粒子
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.21473073,21473074)和吉林省科技发展计划(No.20170101171JC)资助项目。
Abstract: With the help of nanotechnology, a kind of Pt/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles with different ratio of nPt/nFe was prepared with PVP as protective agent and ethylene glycol as the reducing agent. And then the desired Pt-FeOx catalysts with different microstructural environment were obtained by following oxidation treatment and used as catalysts for CO oxidation. The results show that the number of FeOx species affects both the valence of Pt species and the redox properties of Fe species themselves. These properties have a direct and indirect effect on the activation of CO and oxygen molecules. It can be concluded that the presence of appropriate FeOx species around Pt is beneficial to the construction of highly active CO oxidation catalysts.
Keywords: catalytic CO oxidation  nanocatalysis  Pt-based catalyst  iron oxide  bimetallic nanoparticle
投稿时间:2018-01-02 修订日期:2018-03-23
摘要点击次数:  1700
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