Zn2GeO4纳米棒的制备及发光性质 |
Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Zn2GeO4 Nanorods |
摘要: 采用水热合成法制备了纯菱形相的Zn2GeO4纳米棒,研究了水热制备前驱体溶液的pH值对材料尺寸及形貌的影响以及Zn2GeO4纳米棒的光学性质。扫描电子显微镜(SEM)测试结果表明,随着前驱体溶液pH值的变化样品逐渐由微米级块状结构生长成为纳米颗粒,并且进一步形成纳米棒结构。纳米棒的尺寸由长200 nm变化到500 nm。室温光致发光(PL)光谱中观察到位于450和530 nm两个不同的发光峰,其分别源于Zn2GeO4的不同缺陷能级。 |
关键词: 锗酸锌 纳米棒 水热合成法 发光特性 |
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.11274057,11474046)、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(No.DC201502080302,DCPY2016026)、辽宁省自然科学基金(No.20170540200)和大连民族大学大学生创新创业训练计划(No.S201612026073)资助项目 |
Abstract: Zn2GeO4 nanorods were synthesized through a facile hydrothermal method at different pH values, and the morphology and luminescence properties of Zn2GeO4 nanorods were systematically studied. The SEM results indicate that the particle sizes decreased with the increased in pH values from micro- to nano-size, and the length of Zn2GeO4 nanorods (L=200~500 nm) can be controlled through the pH values. Two emission bands centered at 450 and 530 nm were observed which are associated with different native defects in Zn2GeO4 nanocrystals. |
Keywords: Zn2GeO4 nanorod hydrothermal method luminescence property |
投稿时间:2017-02-13 修订日期:2017-06-28 |
摘要点击次数: 1866 |
全文下载次数: 1774 |
杨扬,丛妍,朱子茂,过诚,张瑱,王子文,张家骅.Zn2GeO4纳米棒的制备及发光性质[J].无机化学学报,2017,33(10):1757-1762. |
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