Preparation and Luminescence Properties of CaWO4:xEu3+, ySm3+, zLi+ Red Phosphors
王林香 新疆师范大学物电学院, 乌鲁木齐 830054
新疆师范大学矿物发光及其微结构重点实验室, 乌鲁木齐 830054 
摘要: 采用微波固相法制备了CaWO4xEu3+ySm3+zLi+红色荧光粉。测量样品的XRD图、激发谱、发射谱及发光衰减曲线,研究并分析了Eu3+、Sm3+、Li+的掺杂浓度,对样品微结构、光致发光特性、能量传递及能级寿命的影响。结果表明,Eu3+、Sm3+、Li+掺杂并未引起合成粉体改变晶相,仍为CaWO4单一四方晶系结构。Eu3+、Sm3+共掺样品中,Sm3+掺杂为3%时,Sm3+对Eu3+的能量传递最有效。Li+掺杂起到了助熔剂和敏化剂的作用,使样品发光更强。在394 nm激发下,与CaWO4:3% Eu3+样品比较,3% Eu3+、3% Sm3+共掺CaWO4及3% Eu3+、3% Sm3+、1% Li+共掺CaWO4样品的发光分别增强2倍及2.4倍。同一激发波长下,单掺Eu3+样品寿命最短,Sm3+、Eu3+共掺样品随Sm3+浓度增加,寿命先减小后增加,且掺杂了Li+的样品比不掺Li+的样品5D0能级寿命有所增加。
关键词: 微波固相法  CaWO4:xEu3+,ySm3+,zLi+  能量传递  发光强度  能级寿命
基金项目: 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金(No.2017D01A60),新疆普通高校教育厅级新疆矿物发光重点实验室招标课题(No.KWFG1601,KWFG1606)资助项目
Abstract: CaWO4:xEu3+, ySm3+, zLi+ red phosphors were prepared by the microwave solid state method. The XRD was used to analyze the microstructures of samples. The excitation spectra, emission spectra and luminescence decay curves of the samples were measured. The influences of the concentration of Sm3+, Eu3+, Li+ on the microstructure, luminescence properties, energy transfer, fluorescence decay and energy level lifetime for synthesized samples were researched. The results show that the doping of Eu3+, Sm3+ or Li+ can not cause the change of the crystalline phase of the synthesized powders, which is still single tetragonal structure of CaWO4. For Eu3+ and Sm3+ co-doped samples, when the doping concentration of Sm3+ was 3%, and the energy transfer from Sm3+ to Eu3+ was the most effective. The doped Li+ acted as a flux and sensitizer, which improved the luminescent intensity of the sample. At the excitation wavelength 394 nm, compared with Eu3+ single doped CaWO4, the luminescence of 3%Eu3+, 3%Sm3+ co-doped CaWO4 and 3%Eu3+, 3%Sm3+, 1%Li+ co-doped CaWO4 increased by 2 times and 2.4 times respectively. At the same excitation wavelength, Eu3+ single doped samples had the shortest lifestime. With the increase of Sm3+ concentration, the lifetime of Eu3+, Sm3+ co-doped samples first decreased and then increased. The 5D0 energy level lifetime of the sample doped with Li+ increased compared the sample without Li+.
Keywords: microwave solid state method  CaWO4:xEu3+, ySm3+, zLi+  energy transfer  luminescence intensity  energy level lifetime
投稿时间:2017-03-28 修订日期:2017-05-15
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