Preparation and Photocatalytic Performance of AgI/AgCl/h-BN Composites
张素云 江苏大学化学化工学院, 镇江 212000  
汪家喜 江苏大学化学化工学院, 镇江 212000  
王迁 江苏大学化学化工学院, 镇江 212000  
柏吉 江苏大学化学化工学院, 镇江 212000  
毕源泉 江苏大学化学化工学院, 镇江 212000  
陆润清 江苏大学化学化工学院, 镇江 212000  
吕晓萌 江苏大学化学化工学院, 镇江 212000 laiyangmeng@163.com 
摘要: 以少层六方氮化硼纳米层状材料为载体,通过水溶性盐晶体模板法和离子交换法制备了h-BN稳定AgI/AgCl的三元复合体系。通过XRD、FT-IR、SEM、TEM等手段对样品的结构和形貌进行检测分析,利用UV-Vis DRS测试了样品的吸光性能。可见光光催化降解罗丹明B实验表明,光照24 min,AgI/AgCl/h-BN复合光催化材料对罗丹明B的降解率高达93%,远高于实验合成的大块AgCl、AgCl立方块、AgI/AgCl纳米腰果及文献报道的数值。并且三元材料循环利用4次后,对罗丹明B的降解率几乎保持不变。结合光电化学测试、活性物种捕获和电子自旋共振等实验结果,探讨了复合材料光催化活性和稳定性提高的机理。
关键词: 碘化银  氯化银  氮化硼  复合光催化剂  稳定性
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.21676129)和江苏省研究生创新基金(No.SJLX16_0433)资助项目
Abstract: The visible light active ternary composite AgI/AgCl/h-BN was synthesized via water-soluble KCl crystal temple and ion-exchange process using h-BN nanosheets as the catalyst support.The structure and morphology of as-prepared samples were characterized by XRD,FT-IR,SEM and TEM.The absorption properties of the samples were analyzed by UV-Vis DRS.The result of photocatalytic degradation rate of RhB can reach 93% after 24 min illumination under visible light,indicating that the higher photocatalytic activity and stability of AgI/AgCl/h-BN than bulk AgCl,AgCl cubes,AgI/AgCl nanocashews and that reported in the literature.And the degradation rate of RhB kept almost unchanged after 4 cycles,which indicated AgI/AgCl/h-BN photocatalyst excellent stability.Furthermore,the proposed mechanisms for the enhanced photocatalytic and stability were investigated by photoelectron chemical measurements,radical trapping experiments and ESR analysis.
Keywords: AgI  AgCl  h-BN  composite photocatalyst  stability
投稿时间:2016-12-21 修订日期:2017-04-24
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