Size-Controlled MoS2 Nanodots for Luminescent Property
孙维祎 南开大学化学学院, 先进能源材料化学教育部重点实验室, 化学化工协同创新中心, 天津 300071  
李攀 南开大学化学学院, 先进能源材料化学教育部重点实验室, 化学化工协同创新中心, 天津 300071  
陶占良 南开大学化学学院, 先进能源材料化学教育部重点实验室, 化学化工协同创新中心, 天津 300071 taozhl@nankai.edu.cn 
陈军 南开大学化学学院, 先进能源材料化学教育部重点实验室, 化学化工协同创新中心, 天津 300071  
摘要: 通过油溶法成功地制备出不同粒径大小的二硫化钼,并探究了单层二硫化钼尺寸效应对荧光性质的影响。其中反应时间为3 h制备出的二硫化钼量子点为单层结构,3种尺寸的二硫化钼的荧光光谱和拉曼光谱研究表明,当粒径或激发波长增大时,荧光谱图中峰位发生红移。
关键词: 二硫化钼  量子点  油溶法  荧光  尺寸效应
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(No.2016YFB0901502)、国家自然科学基金(No.51271094,51371100)、111计划项目(No.B12015)和中央高校基本科研业务费资助。
Abstract: Molybdenum disulfide, which is composed of a monolayer or few layers, is a new kind of two-dimensional materials following the study of grapheme. It is a kind of direct band-gap semiconductor with excellent photoelectric properties, which has attracted much attention. In this paper, molybdenum disulfide with different particle size was successfully prepared by heat-up method. The MoCl5 was reacted with L-cysteine in the presence of oleylamine at 220℃, and we performed different reaction time from 1 to 5 h to understand the formation mechanism. There are two mechanisms occurred in the formation process of MoS2 nanodots:one is the Ostwald ripening and the other is an epitaxial growth. Until there are no enough nuclei for growth, the size remains unchanged regardless of the growth of the time. The prepared MoS2 nanodots are homogeneous in the aspects of size and height from the large range due to the protection of OLA. In addition, OLA providing a strong reductive environment reduces Mo5+ to Mo4+ and avoids oxidation of the nanoparticles, which integrated with L-cysteine to results in the formation of H2S. The molybdenum disulfide quantum dots prepared for 3 h had monolayer structure. We also investigate the photoluminescence behaviors of the materials to inquire the size effect. The fluorescence spectra and Raman spectra of three kinds of molybdenum disulfides were studied. It was found that when the particle size or the excitation wavelength increased, the peak position of the fluorescence spectrum occurred red shift.
Keywords: molybdenum disulfide  nanodots  heat-up method  luminescent  size effect
投稿时间:2016-12-23 修订日期:2017-03-06
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