Creating Collagen Nanowire Arrays by ‘Bottom-Up’ and ‘Top-Down’ Approaches on Mica Lattice Planes
李力 南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院, 南京 210094  
张磊 南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院, 南京 210094  
杨德良 南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院, 南京 210094  
孙铭 南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院, 南京 210094 msun@njust.edu.cn 
曾凡喜 南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院, 南京 210094  
顾文华 南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院, 南京 210094 guwenhua@njust.edu.cn 
摘要: 以云母晶体的(001)晶面为基质,以天然Ⅰ型鼠尾胶原蛋白单体溶液为原料,分别考察了蛋白单体受基质规导进行“自下而上”的自组装过程,以及原子力显微镜探针对吸附在基质表面的蛋白膜层进行“自上而下”加工过程:(1)两种制备途径均能加工出结构精确可控的胶原蛋白纳米线阵列;(2)“自下而上”制备途径利用了蛋白单体和基质晶体在界面上互相识别并规范的“反相生物矿化”原理;(3)“自上而下”的加工利用了原子力显微镜接触模式下探针的“分子扫帚”机理。
关键词: 胶原蛋白  自上而下  自下而上  纳米线  介观尺度
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.51303082),中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(No.30915011316)和江苏省“高层次创新创业人才引进计划”资助项目。
Abstract: By using the mica (001) lattice plane as the substrate and rat tail type Ⅰ collagen monomers as adsorbates, both ‘bottom-up’ self-assembly of protein monomers guided by the substrate and ‘top-down’ manipulation of protein membrane by AFM tip were investigated:(1) both preparation approaches can fabricate collagen nanowire arrays with precisely controllable structures; (2) the ‘bottom-up’ approach was due to the ‘reverse-phase biomineralization’ mechanism arising from the cooperative recognition and regulation between the protein and substrate at the interface; (3) the ‘top-down’ manipulation was based on the ‘molecular broom’ mechanism of the AFM tip in the Contact Mode.
Keywords: collagen  bottom-up  top-down  nanowire  mesoscale
投稿时间:2016-11-25 修订日期:2017-03-04
摘要点击次数:  1733
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