Clew-like Microspheres Composed of Uniform ZnCo2O4 Nanoparticles as Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries
王瑛 山东玉皇新能源技术有限公司, 菏泽 274000 yhwangying@163.com 
林宁 中国科学技术大学化学与材料科学学院, 合肥 230026  
摘要: 通过液相共沉淀法获得Zn和Co的前驱,经过600℃煅烧处理获得ZnCo2O4纳米颗粒组装的毛线团状的微球。电化学测试表明,在0.5 A·g-1的电流密度下循环200次可逆比容量保持为965 mAh·g-1;在0.8 A·g-1的电流密度下循环350次可逆比容量保持为882 mAh·g-1。倍率性能测试表明在2 A·g-1的电流密度时可逆比容量为736 mAh·g-1
关键词: ZnCo2O4  纳米颗粒  线团状微球  锂离子电池
Abstract: Clew-like microshperes, composed of ZnCo2O4 nanoparticles, are synthesized by heat treatment of co-precipitated Zn and Co contained precursor at 600℃. As anode for Li ion battery, the obtained ZnCo2O4 microspheres deliver a reversible capacity of 965 mAh·g-1 at 0.5 A·g-1 after 200 cycles, and the capacity of the ZnCo2O4 microspheres still remains 882 mAh·g-1 at 0.8 A·g-1 over 350 cycles. The rate capability shows that a reversible capacity of 736 mAh·g-1 is maintained at high current density of 2.0 A·g-1.
Keywords: ZnCo2O4  nanoparticles  clew-like microspheres  lithium-ion batteries
投稿时间:2016-06-22 修订日期:2016-09-28
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