Hydrothermal Synthesis and Nanomechanical Performance of One-Dimensional Selenium Nanostructures
牛一凡 中国民航大学中欧航空工程师学院, 天津 300300 yifan.niu@foxmail.com 
杨赢 中国民航大学中欧航空工程师学院, 天津 300300  
杨文韬 中国民航大学中欧航空工程师学院, 天津 300300  
摘要: 采用环境友好的一步水热法,以GeSe4玻璃为原料,水溶液为反应介质,在80℃合成三方相硒(t-Se)一维纳米结构。用透射电子显微镜(TEM)、拉曼光谱(Raman)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、原子力显微镜(AFM)等手段表征了一维Se纳米纤维的形貌和结构。结果表明,合成的Se纤维沿t-Se的[001]方向生长,截面为六边形。反应144 h后,纤维长度达到毫米级,平均直径为1~5 μm。对合成的Se纤维进行纳米压痕实验,测得其硬度和弹性模量分别为(399.5±20.4)MPa和(1.13±0.05)GPa。在pH=12.0的NaOH溶液(80℃)中,Se纳米纤维生长速度高于酸性(pH=3.3)和中性(pH=6.3)介质,反应24 h后,纤维平均长度和直径达到344和1.12 μm。
关键词: 三方相硒  纳米纤维  水热法  纳米力学性能
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.51402356)和中央高校基本科研业务费(No.3122014H005)资助项目。
Abstract: One-dimensional trigonal-selenium (t-Se) nanostructures were synthesized using environment-friendly and one-step hydrothermal process, using GeSe4 glass as raw material in aqueous solution at 80℃. The morphologies and structures of these one-dimensional selenium products were characterized by transmission electron microscope (TEM), Raman spectrometry, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and atomic force microscope (AFM). The experimental results show that the Se nanofibers were grown along[001] direction with a hexagonal cross section. After 144 h of reaction, the length and diameter of Se nanofibers reached millimeter scale and 1~5 μm respectively. AFM based nanoindentation test reported that the hardness and elastic modulus of Se nanofibers were (399.5±20.4) MPa and (1.13±0.05) GPa respectively. The growth speed of Se nanofibers at pH=12.0 (80℃) was faster than that at pH=3.3 and pH=6.3. Se nanofibers were typically 344 μm long and 1.12 μm in diameter after 24 h of reaction in alkaline medium.
Keywords: trigonal-selenium  nanofiber  hydrothermal method  nanomechanical properties
投稿时间:2016-05-25 修订日期:2016-09-27
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