Syntheses, Crystal Structures and in Vitro Antitumor Activities of Copper(Ⅱ) and Nickel(Ⅱ) Complexes Based on Acylhydrazone and Imidazole Ligands
高平章 泉州师范学院化工与材料学院, 泉州 362000  
陈雅心 泉州师范学院化工与材料学院, 泉州 362000  
郑敏敏 泉州师范学院化工与材料学院, 泉州 362000  
王景梅 泉州师范学院化工与材料学院, 泉州 362000  
解庆范 泉州师范学院化工与材料学院, 泉州 362000  
陈延民 泉州师范学院化工与材料学院, 泉州 362000 qzucym@163.com 
摘要: 采用水热法合成了5-硝基水杨醛缩噻吩-2-甲酰腙的铜和镍配合物[Cu(Him)L]21)和[Ni(Him)L](2)(H2L=5-硝基水杨醛缩噻吩-2-甲酰腙,Him=咪唑)并经元素分析、红外光谱和紫外光谱表征。X射线单晶衍射分析表明,1的晶体属单斜晶系,空间群P21/c,晶胞参数:a=1.135 68(12)nm,b=0.770 45(8)nm,c=2.140 4(2)nm,β=97.405(3)°。2的晶体属三斜晶系,空间群P1,晶胞参数:a=0.726 91(4)nm,b=0.976 34(6)nm,c=1.265 74(8)nm,α=79.533(2)°,β=82.862(2)°,γ=68.985(2)°。1是中心对称的双核配合物,Cu(Ⅱ)处于四方锥配位环境;2是单核配合物,Ni(Ⅱ)处于平面四边形的配位环境。化合物1通过N-H…O氢键形成一维超分子链,而化合物2通过N-H…O和C-H…O氢键形成二维超分子网络。初步研究了配体和配合物的体外抗癌活性。结果表明,配合物12对人肝癌细胞HEPG2和人结肠癌细胞SW620均有较强的增殖抑制作用。
关键词: 酰腙  配合物  晶体结构  抗癌活性
基金项目: 泉州师范学院学科建设资金和福建省大学生创新创业训练计划项目(No.201510399025,201510399030)资助。
Abstract: Two new complexes[Cu(Him)L]2 (1) and [Ni(Him)L] (2), where H2L is 2-thiophenecarboxylic acid (2-hydroxly-5-nitro-benzylidene)-hydrazide and Him is imidazole, were synthesized by hydrothermal reaction and characterized by elemental analysis, FT-IR and electronic spectra. The structure of complexes has been accomplished by single crystal X-ray diffraction which results confirmed that the crystal of 1 belongs to the monoclinic system,space group P21/c with cell parameters:a=1.135 68(12) nm, b=0.770 45(8) nm, c=2.140 4(2) nm, β=97.405(3)° and the crystal of 2 belongs to the triclinic system, space group P1 with cell parameters:a=0.726 91(4) nm, b=0.976 34(6) nm, c=1.265 74(8) nm, α=79.533(2)°, β=82.862(2)°, γ=68.985(2)°. The X-ray analyses revealed that 1 displays a centrosymmetric binuclear structure with the Cu atoms in square pyramidal coordination. The binuclear units are further linked by hydrogen bonds to generate an infinite 1D chain. The mononuclear units in 2 are linked through weak N-H…O and C-H…O hydrogen bonds to form an infinite 2D network. The in vitro antitumor activities of ligand and complexes were tested by MTT method, which results show that 1 and 2 have strong in vitro antitumor activity against HEPG2 and SW620 cancer cells lines. CCDC:1041671, 1; CCDC 1041672, 2.
Keywords: acylhydrazone  complex  crystal structure  antitumor activity
投稿时间:2016-05-02 修订日期:2016-06-17
摘要点击次数:  1999
全文下载次数:  1976
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