Recovery of Uranium from Its Concentrated Solution by Tri-octyl Amine Using Pulsed Column
Mohamed Fathi El-Shahat Faculty of Science, Inorganic Chemistry Department, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt wmmorsy@yahoo.com 
Hisham Mohamed Kamal Nuclear Materials Authority, Cairo, Egypt  
Reda Abd El-Gawad Ghazalla Nuclear Materials Authority, Cairo, Egypt  
Walid Mohamed Morsy Nuclear Materials Authority, Cairo, Egypt  
摘要: 利用三异辛胺(TOA)纯化Gattar小型试验工厂的高浓度铀溶液(洗脱液的铀浓度7 g·L-1),研究了脉冲萃取柱的性能。利用实验室级脉冲萃取柱进行了实验室规模的溶剂萃取实验和后续实验。结果表明,在室温、pH=1和有机相与水相的比例(VO/VA)约为1.8:1时,加入二(2-乙基己基)磷酸(D2EHPA)使其与TOA的比例(VD2EHPA/VTOA)为2:3,可使萃取克服Cl-的抑制效应,提高效率。将结论用于考察试验工厂级萃取柱的流体力学和传质性能,结果表明用脉冲萃取柱萃取铀可以达到97%的萃取效率,具有可行性。
关键词: 洗脱液    溶剂萃取法  脉冲萃取柱
Abstract: The performance of pulsed column for purification of concentrated uranium liquor (cU=7g·L-1 in eluate) produced in Gattar mini pilot plant using tri-octyl amine (TOA) has been investigated. Bench scale studies on solvent extraction have been carried out followed by continues experiments using a laboratory pulsed column. It was found that the addition of di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) to TOA with the ratio (VD2EHPA/VTOA) at 2:3 make it overcome the suppression effect of the Cl-ion and improve the reaction at possible ratio of organic phase and aqueous phase(VO/VA) of 1.8:1, pH=1 under room temperature. The obtained bench scale results were chosen to test the hydrodynamic and mass transfer performance of the extraction column. Results of the laboratory plant generally demonstrated the feasibility of operating the extraction of uranium using pulsed column with 97% extraction efficiency.
Keywords: eluate  chloride  solvent extraction  pulsed column
投稿时间:2015-12-12 修订日期:2016-05-26
摘要点击次数:  1867
全文下载次数:  1505
Mohamed Fathi El-Shahat,Hisham Mohamed Kamal,Reda Abd El-Gawad Ghazalla,Walid Mohamed Morsy.以脉冲萃取柱利用三异辛胺从高浓度铀溶液中回收铀[J].无机化学学报,2016,32(8):1427-1433.
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