Syntheses, Structures and Luminescent Properties of Two Silver Coordination Complexes Based on Bis(β-diketone) Schiff Bases
张奇龙 贵州医科大学化学教研室, 贵阳 550004 gzuqlzhang@126.com 
徐红 贵州医科大学化学教研室, 贵阳 550004  
冯广卫 贵州医科大学化学教研室, 贵阳 550004  
黄亚励 贵州医科大学化学教研室, 贵阳 550004  
摘要: 在常温的条件下,分别将2个双β-二酮席夫碱配体与银盐进行配位反应得到2个银配合物,{[Ag(L1)](SbF6)}n(1)和[Ag2(L2)22](BF4)2(2)(L1=1,3-bis(4-methylamino-pentan-2-one)phenyl,L2=1,3-bis(3-methylamino-1-phenyl-butan-1-one)phenyl),并通过元素分析、红外光谱、粉末X射线衍射分析、单晶X射线衍射等对其结构进行了表征。结构分析表明,在配合物1中,银离子与配体L1中的2个碳原子和2个氧原子配位,形成一维链状结构,而配合物2中银离子与L2配体中的2个氧原子和2个碳原子配位,最终得到双核二聚体结构。化合物12都通过阴离子与结构单元之间的C-H…F作用,最终形成三维超分子结构。此外,我们还研究了化合物1、2以及配体的荧光性质。
关键词: 银配合物  晶体结构  荧光性质  氢键作用
基金项目: 贵州省科技计划课题(黔科合LH字[2014]7090)、贵州省教育厅自然科学研究项目(黔教合KY字[2015]415号)和贵阳市科技局国家自然科学基金培育项目(No.GY2015-41)资助。
Abstract: Two silver complexes, namely {[Ag(L1)](SbF6)}n (1) and[Ag2(L2)22](BF4)2 (2), have been obtained by the reaction of silver salts with two different bis(β-diketone) Schiff bases (L1=1,3-bis(4-methylamino-pentan-2-one)phenyl, and L2=1,3-bis(3-methylamino-1-phenyl-butan-1-one)phenyl) in the ethanol solution. In complex 1, the center Ag(Ⅰ) ions connected with two C atoms and two O atoms to form a one-dimensional chain, while the complex 2 is a binuclear silver complex. Expanded by the weak C-H…F interactions between the units and anions and C-H…O hydrogen bonds between the adjacent units, three-dimensional supramolecular structures of two complexes formed finally. Moreover, the luminescent properties of two silver complexes and their based organic ligands have been investigated.
Keywords: silver complex  crystal structure  fluorescent property  hydrogen bonds
投稿时间:2016-03-18 修订日期:2016-03-18
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