Growth and Phase Transformation of Metastable β-HgI2M
许岗 西安工业大学材料与化工学院, 西安 710021 xxrshhuangshan@126.com 
李俊英 西安工业大学材料与化工学院, 西安 710021  
谷智 西北工业大学凝固技术国家重点实验室, 西安 710072  
南瑞华 西安工业大学材料与化工学院, 西安 710021  
冯亚西 西安工业大学材料与化工学院, 西安 710021  
摘要: 采用溶液法,以α-HgI2为原料,在DMSO和H2O混合溶剂中生长了β-HgI2M晶体。通过XRD检测了晶体的结构特征,利用偏光显微镜研究了晶体生长的动态过程及β-HgI2Mα-HgI2的相变过程。研究表明,生长的晶体为β-HgI2M,空间结构为Cmc21;晶体生长界面夹角为65.02°,与β-HgI2M单胞中(110)和(110)夹角(65.16°)吻合;β-HgI2Mα-HgI2相变为结构重构的一级相变。
关键词: 碘化汞  亚稳态晶体  晶体生长  晶体结构  相变
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.51502234,11404251)、陕西省教育厅科研计划项目(No.15JS040)和西安工业大学省级重点实验室开放基金(No.ZSKJ201414)资助。
Abstract: Growth of β-HgI2M was successfully carried out in DMSO/H2O mix-solution at room temperature. XRD analysis was used to characterize the structure of the as-grown crystal. Successive crystal growth of β-HgI2M and phase transformation, β-HgI2Mα-HgI2, was recorded by micropolariscope. The results show that β-HgI2M belongs to Cmc21 space group, and the included angle of (110) and (110) during growth course of β-HgI2M is 65.02°, which is coincidence with 65.16° in unit cell of β-HgI2M. Moreover, its crystallizing morphology is controlled by crystal structure of β-HgI2M. Phase transformation of β-HgI2Mα-HgI2 is the first-order transition of structure reconstruction.
Keywords: mercuric iodide  metastable crystal  crystal growth  crystal structure  phase transformation
投稿时间:2016-03-07 修订日期:2016-05-18
摘要点击次数:  1778
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