Synthesis and Dielectric Properties of FeCl3/Conjugated Ploy Schiff Base Composite
李俊 天津市改性与功能纤维重点实验室, 天津工业大学生物与纺织材料研究所, 天津工业大学, 天津 300387  
齐鲁 天津市改性与功能纤维重点实验室, 天津工业大学生物与纺织材料研究所, 天津工业大学, 天津 300387 qilu20150501@163.com 
李慧皓 天津市改性与功能纤维重点实验室, 天津工业大学生物与纺织材料研究所, 天津工业大学, 天津 300387  
摘要: 由戊二醛和对苯二胺通过缩合反应合成席夫碱聚合物,并将其与三聚氰胺交联构筑立体网状结构,再与氯化铁配位形成具有“海胆状”结构的FeCl3/席夫碱复合材料,利用傅里叶红外光谱和扫描电镜对其进行表征。通过对比Fe3+掺杂量分别为0.02、0.03、0.04 mol时复合材料半年前后的电导率、介电常数实部与虚部、介电损耗角正切值和科尔-科尔半圆的改变,发现静置后复合材料介电参数均大幅增长,介电弛豫从无到有,并且在刚合成时其介电常数虚部在3.664×106~1.000×107 Hz为负值,但经过静置后却转变为正值。其中,静置半年后,Fe3+ 掺杂量为0.04 mol的席夫碱铁盐聚合物在102 Hz处的介电损耗角正切从0.02升至6.13,电导率从7.15×10-7 S·cm-1升至2.19×10-5 S·cm-1,介电常数实部与虚部也大幅增加,介电损耗机理为二重介电驰豫。
关键词: 席夫碱  掺杂  介电性能  电导率  介电驰豫
基金项目: 中石化项目(No.J203055)资助。
Abstract: The conjugated Poly Schiff base (CPSB) was synthesized through condensation reaction between glutaraldehyde and p-phenylenediamine, then cross-linked with melamine to build a three-dimensional network structure, which was further doped with Fe3+ to form FeCl3/CPSB composite with urchin-like structure. Meanwhile, the conductivity (σ), the real and imaginary parts of permittivity (δ', δ") and the dielectric loss tangent value (tanδδ) occurred a significant increase and the Cole-Cole semicircle start from scratch, through comparing the initial and after 6 months value of CPSB with 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 mol Fe3+ doping content. The result displayed that δ" was changed from a negative value to a positive value in 3.664×106~1.000×107 Hz after six months. Wherein, tanδδ of composite with 0.04 mol Fe3+ doping content was increased from 0.02 to 6.13 and σ was increased from 7.15×10-7 S·cm-1 to 2.19×10-5 S·cm-1 in 102 Hz. The δ' and δ" were increased significantly as well. There are double relaxation mechanisms contributing the Debye relaxation to enhanced dielectric properties of the FeCl3/CPBS composite.
Keywords: Schiff bases  doping  dielectric properties  conductivity  debye relaxation
投稿时间:2015-08-17 修订日期:2015-12-02
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