Effects of Calcination Temperature on Crystal Structure and Photocatalytic Activity of In2TiO5 Nanobelts
张钦库 西安理工大学应用化学系, 西安 710048
榆林学院建筑工程系, 榆林 719000 
姚秉华 西安理工大学应用化学系, 西安 710048
陕西省尾矿资源综合利用重点实验室(商洛学院), 商洛 726000 
于艳 陕西省尾矿资源综合利用重点实验室(商洛学院), 商洛 726000  
鲁盼 西安理工大学应用化学系, 西安 710048  
庞波 西安理工大学应用化学系, 西安 710048  
熊敏 西安理工大学应用化学系, 西安 710048  
摘要: 以Ti(OC4H9)4、In(NO3)3和聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP-K30)为原料,采用静电纺丝技术制备了In2TiO5纳米带。利用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、紫外-可见漫反射光谱(UV-Vis DRS)和N2吸附-脱附等技术对不同焙烧温度处理得到的样品进行表征,详细研究了焙烧温度对In2TiO5纳米带晶粒尺寸、形貌、比表面积和孔径的影响。以20 mg·L-1的氟喹诺酮类抗生素左氧氟沙星(LEV)为目标降解物,125 W高压汞灯为光源,评价了不同焙烧温度下In2TiO5纳米带的光催化活性。结果表明,焙烧温度对In2TiO5的形貌与光催化活性有明显影响。当焙烧温度为800℃时,制备的In2TiO5纳米带表面光滑,其宽度为(552±58) nm、厚度约为140 nm,光催化活性最强,光照60 min,LEV的降解率可以达到95%。
关键词: In2TiO5纳米带  静电纺丝  焙烧温度  光催化  降解
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.21276208);陕西省矿产资源综合利用重点实验室开放基金(No.2014SKY-WK003);陕西省教育厅专项基金(No.15JK1862)和西安理工大学博士学位论文创新基金资助项目。
Abstract: In2TiO5 nanobelts were fabricated by means of electrospinning using Ti(OC4H9)4、In(NO3)3 and polyvinyl pyrrolidone(PVP-K30) as raw materials. The nanobelts calcined at different temperature were characterized by XRD, SEM, UV-Vis DRS and N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms. The influences of the calcination temperatures on the crystallite size, morphology, BET specific surface area and pore size of In2TiO5 nanobelts was studied. The photocatalytic activity of the as-prepared In2TiO5 nanobelts was evaluated by the photocatalytic degradation of levofloxacin (LEV) of fluoroquinolone antibiotics under the irradiation of the high pressure mercury lamp (125 W). The results show the significant effect of calcination temperature on the morphology and photocatalytic activity of In2TiO5 nanobelts. When the calcination temperature is 800℃, the In2TiO5 nanobelts prepared exhibit the best photocatalytic activity with smooth surface, the width of (552±58) nm and thickness of 140 nm. The degradation rate of LEV can be up to 95% after 60 min of irradiation.
Keywords: In2TiO5 nanobelts  electrospinning  calcinations temperature  photocatalysis  degradation
投稿时间:2015-01-12 修订日期:2015-05-13
摘要点击次数:  1436
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