Preparation and Photoelectrical Properties of Bi2S3 Quantum Dots Sensitized TiO2 Nanorod-Arrays
卢永娟 西北民族大学化工学院, 甘肃省高校环境友好复合材料及生物质利用省级重点实验室, 兰州 730030 
贾均红 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所固体润滑重点实验室, 兰州 730030  
摘要: 利用水热法制备一维TiO2纳米棒阵列,并采用化学浴沉积法(CBD)结合自组装技术在TiO2纳米棒上敏化Bi2S3量子点,形成TiO2/Bi2S3复合纳米棒阵列。系统研究了复合结构的表面形貌、晶体结构、光学及光电性能。结果表明:在修饰有三氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷自组装单分子膜(APTS-SAMs)的TiO2纳米棒表面形成一层致密的Bi2S3量子点敏化层,这一技术的关键是含-NH2末端的APTS-SAMs可有效促进Bi2S3的异相成核作用;Bi2S3的沉积时间对复合结构的光吸收及光电响应性能有决定性的影响,薄膜的光电流随着沉积时间呈先增加后减小的趋势,在沉积时间为20min时,光电流密度最大。这是因为随着沉积时间的增加,TiO2纳米棒表面Bi2S3量子点密度增大,光吸收增加;而当沉积时间进一步延长时,Bi2S3在TiO2纳米棒表面的大量负载而形成堆积和团聚,导致表面缺陷增多,光生电子复合几率增大,从而使光电流密度减小。
关键词: TiO2纳米棒阵列  Bi2S3量子点  双功能分子  光电性能
基金项目: 中央高校基本业务费专项资金项目(No.31920140083)和引进人才教学科研启动费(No.xbmuyjrc1201204)资助项目。
Abstract: Hydrothermally synthesized TiO2 nanorod arrays on FTO glass substrates were functionalized with uniform Bi2S3 quantum dots by CBD method combined with self-assembled monolayers(SAMs). The surface morphology, structure, optical and photoelectrochemical behaviors of the TiO2/Bi2S3 nanorod arrays are considered. The results that uniform Bi2S3 thin films were deposited on the surface of TiO2 nanorods modified by APTS SAMs. The key of the technology is that the APTS SAM possessing -NH2 functional groups can be employed to control nucleation. Moreover, the deposition time of Bi2S3 thin film plays a key role in the visible light absorption as well as photoelectric response of TiO2/Bi2S3 nanorod arrays. It reveals that, with the increase of the deposition time, the Jsc of composite thin film first increased and then decreased, and a Jsc maximum value of 0.13 mA·cm-2 reached at 20 min deposition of Bi2S3. The increase of Jsc for the initial deposition time could be interpreted as the result of enhanced absorption in the visible light range. Further increase the deposition time resulted in an obvious decrease in Jsc. This phenomenon might be attributed to Bi2S3 overloading on the surface of TiO2 resulted in aggregations and conglomerations, leading to more surface defects and recombination of photoexcited carrier.
Keywords: TiO2 nanorod arrays  Bi2S3 quantum dots  bifunctional molecule  photoelectrical properties
投稿时间:2014-10-14 修订日期:2015-03-11
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