Hollow Spindle-Shaped CuO/Cu2(OH)2CO3 Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Gas Sensing Property
齐晓娇 天津工业大学材料学院, 天津市改性与功能纤维重点实验室, 天津 300387  
王骞 天津工业大学材料学院, 天津市改性与功能纤维重点实验室, 天津 300387  
高海燕 天津工业大学材料学院, 天津市改性与功能纤维重点实验室, 天津 300387  
赵永男 天津工业大学材料学院, 天津市改性与功能纤维重点实验室, 天津 300387 
李国栋 吉林大学化学院无机合成与制备国家重点实验室, 长春 130012  
摘要: 以Cu2(OH)3NO3为前驱体,采用无模板溶剂热法成功合成了大小为1~2μm的CuO/Cu2(OH)2CO3中空梭型微粒。高倍电镜显示其外壳层由高度弥散的CuO和Cu2(OH)2CO3纳米颗粒组成。通过控制反应时间证明了该中空梭型粒子的形成过程是由自组装和奥斯特瓦尔德熟化过程控制。该纳米材料的特殊结构使其对乙醇、丙酮等有机气体有良好的气敏性能。
关键词: 中空粒子  溶剂热合成  CuO  Cu2(OH)2CO3  气体传感器
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.21271138,21371070,21071060),天津自然科学基金(No.14JCYBJC17500,14JCQNJC02500),吉林大学无机合成与制备化学国家重点实验室开放课题(No.2015-02),国家大学生创新创业计划项目(201410058003)资助。
Abstract: Hollow spindle-shaped CuO/Cu2(OH)2CO3 composites were fabricated via a templateless hydrothermal route with Cu2(OH)3NO3 as the precursor. XRD measurements and TEM observations reveal that the as-prepared CuO/Cu2(OH)2CO3 is hollow spindle-shaped with size of 1~2 μm. HRTEM image indicates that the shell of each particle is highly dispersive mixtures of nanoscale CuO and Cu2(OH)2CO3. Time dependent experiments disclose that the formation of hollow spindle-shaped CuO/Cu2(OH)2CO3 composites particles is driven by self-transformation and Ostwald ripening. The gas sensing performances were investigated with ethanol and acetone as the target gases. The as-prepared hollow CuO/Cu2(OH)2CO3 composites exhibit improved gas sensing properties in comparison with the commercial CuO powders, which can be ascribed to the decreased grain-to-grain contacts of the highly dispersive mixtures.
Keywords: hollow particles  solvothermal synthesis  CuO  Cu2(OH)2CO3  gas sensor
投稿时间:2014-11-26 修订日期:2015-02-10
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