Solvent Extraction of Th4+ with TODGA in [C2mim][NTf2]
刘超 上海交通大学核科学与工程学院, 核能化工实验室, 上海 200240  
赵龙 上海交通大学核科学与工程学院, 核能化工实验室, 上海 200240 
韦悦周 上海交通大学核科学与工程学院, 核能化工实验室, 上海 200240  
何林峰 上海市计量测试技术研究院, 化学与电离辐射计量技术研究所, 上海 201203  
唐方东 上海市计量测试技术研究院, 化学与电离辐射计量技术研究所, 上海 201203  
摘要: 研究了N,N,N',N'-四辛基-3-氧戊二酰胺(TODGA)溶于疏水性离子液体咪唑类离子液体1-乙基-3-甲基咪唑双三氟甲磺酰亚胺盐([C2mim][NTf2])中对硝酸水溶液体系中四价钍离子(Th4+)的萃取行为.详细考察了接触时间、酸度、Th4+浓度、TODGA浓度、温度对TODGA/[C2mim][NTf2]体系萃取性能的影响.作为对比,我们还考察了TODGA在传统有机溶剂异辛烷中对Th4+的萃取.结果表明:TODGA/[C2mim][NTf2]体系对Th4+的萃取是吸热反应,且在50℃下,能在5min内达到平衡.萃取体系随着酸度对Th4+的萃取性能先降后增大;Th4+浓度的增大,TODGA浓度的降低,对Th4+的萃取性能下降.TODGA在离子液体萃取体系中比在有机体系中有更好的Th4+萃取效果,特别是在低酸条件下.通过萃取机理研究,推测出在低酸下萃取反应是离子交换且TODGA与Th4+配比为2:1,在高酸下萃取是中性配位.
关键词: 四价钍离子  N,N,N',N'-四辛基-3-氧戊二酰胺  离子液体  萃取
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11475112,91126006);上海高校特聘教授(东方学者)岗位计划资助项目.
Abstract: The extraction behavior of Th4+ from nitric acid solution with N,N,N',N'-tetraoctyldiglycolamide(TODGA) dissolved in hydrophobic ionic liquid [C2mim][NTf2] was studied. The effect of contact time, acidity, Th4+ concentration,TODGAconcentration and temperature on the extraction performance of TODGA/[C2mim][NTf2] system were investigated. For comparison, the same experiment in TODGA/isooctane system was also done. The results showed that the extraction of TODGA/[C2mim][NTf2] system against Th4+ was endothermic reaction and could balance within5 min at 50 ℃. The extraction efficiency decreased first and then increased with the increasing of acidity and Th4+concentration as well as decreasing of TODGAconcentration. It was found that TODGA/[C2mim][NTf2] system had better extraction efficiency than TODGA/isooctane system especially at low acidity. The extraction mechanism was suggested that at low acidity the extraction proceed via ion exchange mechanism to a coordination compound,and the mechanism at the high acidity was neutral complex.
Keywords: Th4+  N,N,N',N'-tetraoctyldiglycolamide  ionic liquid  extraction
投稿时间:2014-08-04 修订日期:2014-09-15
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