On the Long-Term Stability of Silver Nanoparticle Hydrocolloid
李鑫 北京印刷学院, 印刷与包装工程学院, 北京 102600 lixinxioanei@126.com 
魏先福 北京印刷学院, 印刷与包装工程学院, 北京 102600  
杨力 北京印刷学院, 印刷与包装工程学院, 北京 102600
Innventia, Drottning Kristinas vä
g 61, 11486 Stockholm(斯德哥尔摩), Sweden(瑞典) 
摘要: 纳米银胶体(AgNPs)长期储存不稳定性问题是本研究的中心,着重考察了不同前驱体对纳米银胶体的稳定性影响.分别以银氨([Ag(NH3)2]OH)溶液和AgNO3溶液为前驱体制备了多份纳米银胶体样品并通过UV-Vis、FE-SEM、EDS、ZETA电位仪等现代分析测试手段研究了纳米银胶的形貌、粒径大小以及稳定性.对比分析发现,以[Ag(NH3)2]OH溶液为前驱体,制备的纳米银胶体具有粒径可控,尺寸均一,分散性良好等特点;而且经过一个月的常温储存,表现出比用AgNO3溶液为前驱体制备的纳米银胶体具有更高的储存稳定性.
关键词: 纳米银  银氨  胶体稳定性  晶体生长机理  导电墨水
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.61474144)资助
Abstract: This paper focuses on the long-term storage (in-shelf) stability issues of controllable silver nanoparticle hydrocolloids (AgNPs). Two controllable AgNPs were prepared from two different precursors: silver nitrate (AgNO3) and silver diamminohydroxide ([Ag(NH3)2]OH). The important characteristics of the AgNPs were measured by means of UV-Vis, SEM, EDS, ZETA electric potential techniques as well as mathematical simulations. The comparative studies show that the AgNPs obtained from the [Ag(NH3)2]OH precursor exhibited superior controlla-bility in particle size, size-distribution and dispensability in one month storage, compared to those obtained from AgNO3.
Keywords: silver nanoparticle (AgNPs)  silver ammonia  hydrocolloid stability  crystal growth mechanism  conductive ink
投稿时间:2014-06-04 修订日期:2014-09-20
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